
Why do divers dip themselves in a pool or overly shower after their dive?

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Why do divers dip themselves in a pool or overly shower after their dive?




  1. I thought it was because of the chlorine...

  2. Divers need to be incredibly flexible so they stretch for a long period of time.  Once they hit the cold water everything tightens up, so when they come out they want to warm up to keep their muscles loose.

  3. The water in the pools are cold so they go in the showers and hot tub to warm their muscles up.

  4. well because the pool has colrine and it gets your hair and it smells funny

  5. They need to keep their muscles warm. The pool is always cooler than the surroundings and they cannot risk their muscles tightening at this level. So when they come out of the pool, they hit the showers straight! They even have a hot tub!

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