
Why do doctors always prescribe sooo much?

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especially creams & such!




  1. cause there are many symptoms must be cure plus the main source of diasease with supplement, if the disease with complication

  2. Because there are a lot of sick people?

  3. It's the fastest most effective way to handle most problems but it is overdone sometimes for profit as the big pharmaceutical companies give them gifts for writing certain drugs prescriptions.

  4. To make sure that you will have enough for the time being.  

  5. They get paid from the drug companies to push their product.

  6. What, quantity of each drug? Or number of different drugs? I think it kind of depends on the circumstance!!

    That answer about the drug companies paying doctors really annoys me - I don't know that this doesn't happen but I work in veterinary, in England, and people on here always assume we get paid to push products and we DON'T! At least not at any of the practices I've ever worked at.


  7. To make sure you're gonna be okay?

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