
Why do doctors not inject old men who can't get an erection, with testosterone? Wouldn't that fix the problem?

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Why do doctors not inject old men who can't get an erection, with testosterone? Wouldn't that fix the problem?




  1. What they said, above!!!

  2. No, testosterone would need to be administered on a daily basis.  And it's purpose is for a man with low testosterone levels. A p***s suffering from E.D. could be from performance anxiety that's in the man's head - problems, stress other factors.

    There are some men with high testosterone levels but can't maintain an erection from bad diet, attitude.

    A p***s suffering from E.D. is not getting enough blood probably from high cholesterol, slow heart rate.

  3. It might fix it if having low testosterone were the only condition an elderly man suffered from. Outside of other medical conditions that may make him unable to tolerate hormone injections, there are several other reasons why he may not be able to achieve and maintain an erection, such as high/low blood pressure, prostrate disease and hardening of the arteries, just to name a few.

    Besides, testosterone is not the sole factor in enabling a man to get an erection. Desire (Libido) has a lot to do with it as well as several other chemical reactions in the body.

    If all it took were a shot or two of hormones to correct Erectile Dysfunction, you would not see all those E.D. drug ads on TV.

  4. Because that could mess with their body chemistry and cause problems. Probably wouldn't work anyway, in fact, it would likely make it worse. And besides all that, viagra works fine.

  5. Older men CAN take testosterone replacement.  The problem with this is that the hormone can cause all kinds of health problems.  More testosterone won't necessarily help with erections...that is a blood flow problem.

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