
Why do dogs get along so well with humans? ?

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  1. many reasons. they are pack animals and don't like being alone. plus, they have been bred for centuries to be companian animals. it's in their dna :)

  2. Man's Best Friend and theyre known to be Loyal

  3. Dogs and humans have lived closely and provided for each others needs for many thousands of years. Plus socially and emotionally our needs are very similar. This is what I think makes for the close bond we have.

  4. Many dogs were bred to do many things for people.

    When they were domesticated, many years ago, there were reasons for this. From herding, to search and rescue, to many other things.

    After many years of breeding, and the dogs having to depend on humans for food, water, and shelter, they bonded to humans.

  5. It has to do with centuries of domestication.  If you look at wild wolfs they have a lot of different behaviors than domesticated dogs.  There was a show on tv where they did this test that showed a dog will stop and wait for help from a human to get a treat that is out of reach.  The treat is in a cage where the dog can see it but, cant get at it.  Theres a person standing there too.  The dog tries to get it and when he cant he looks at the person like "hey..whats up gimme that treat!".  They do the same test with a wolf but he ignores the person keeps trying to get the treat even though its impossible.  The wolf is not domesticated the way the dog has been.

  6. As they say, "A dog is a man's best friend".

    Dogs are very loyal to people. They follow simple orders like fetching, cathcing, guarding etc. In our part, we take good care of them and they feel the love that we give to them.  

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