
Why do doubles partners, even men feel the need to touch hands at the end of each point, even if they lose it?

by  |  earlier

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It's not natural!




  1. It's for team spirit and to show support for each other

  2. Because they are good sports and they don't get upset at their mistakes. They are partners and always work together no matter what the situation they're in.

  3. It builds 'team' spirit.

    *touches screen with hand*

  4. It's called "foreplay"

  5. hahaha

    it really is bugging you isnt it!lol

  6. Some new wave artsy fartsy trend I suppose. May have started on the west coast with the Bryan brothers. Jeez I hope we don't see more guys belly bumping that is just wrong. When we competed and won we would only hi five after big points, aces, or winners but we did talk strategy a lot through out the match and would swear once in a while.

    For the Dr.D clone above me for it to be "foreplay" it should be mixed doubles.

  7. Why do football players pat eachothers bottoms?

  8. to buck each other up

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