
Why do drivers drink their beverage before their post race interview?

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Lol, just wondering why...




  1. main reason is sponsership. They have to show that drink sponser. But the other reason....they are freaking thirsty!!!!!

  2. Mainly to get that sponsorship plug in if you look closely a lot of the time the bottle isn't even open but in the other cases it is also because of thirst.

  3. Sponsors like Coke was giving money to chairity everytime their bottle was displayed on TV last year...  Not sure about this year.

  4. publicity. its for thier sponsors, and being in the hot car for all that time, i would just about drinkk anything around! but...Sadler didnt drink his! he dumped it on Kahne :]] i love kasey (rock you like a huri-)kahne! lolol

  5. most drivers get paid about $500 just for drinking there drink in front of the camera before and after the race. that is in all sports.

  6. $pon$or$hip $$$.

    the best part is that the vast majority of them usually have their hand over the label so you can't read what it is...  and then there was the "blank white can" gordon was drinking from years ago...

  7. Elliot Sadler didn't he dumped his down Kasey's fire suite :)

  8. Sponsorship publicity! Keep the bill payers happy.

  9. to get there beverage on t v

    thats why when sadler came to congradulaTE kahne that coke bottle was turned so you could read it

    PUBLICITY for there sponsors

  10. $$$$

  11. its hot in the car and they are thirsty as h**l from not really be able to drink much other than out of a tube.

  12. For the sponsors.

    It drives me nuts, so obvious and cheesy!

  13. So that the fans know that they drink. Take Jr. for example. If a fan sees him drinking Amp on TV the fan will want to drink Amp.

  14. Advertising !!!

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