
Why do drivers hate learners so much?

by  |  earlier

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Why do they drive reeeeeally close to our bumper while tapping the horn, shout abuse at us out their window, have no patience..... all this happens before I've even made a mistake! People have come out their houses and shouted at my instructor, saying they don't want learners around here cos they have young kids!! Also while practising manuvers, people come out their house and move their parked car somewhere else. The attitude is horrible and I can't see how anyone is supposed to be able to learn how to drive safely with those kind of attitudes. I'm shocked that these people have passed their test, to be honest. Why the hatred?




  1. It is just ignorance and stupidity on their part. As long as you are following the rules of the road, you will be fine. Don't let them get to you.

  2. Let them get mad ... Older drivers just think that new drivers are gonna slow them down on the roads because new drivers are just too observant of traffic laws.

    Just be safe and let them be aggressive if they want. You can't control them. Just be responsible.


  3. Just try to ignore them. I know its hard but unfortuntely there are a lot of stupid, impatience and selfish people in the world. A lot of people just automatically assume a teenager is going to be a bad driver because teenagers are more likely to be in an accident. I guess a lot of them have forgotten what its like to be a new driver. One day their kid is going to be learning to drive and I bet they want like someone yelling at them.

  4. They really don’t hate you people we are just afraid of you because a lot of younger drivers are talking on the cell phone, speeding, tailgating and being rude without regards to the rules of the road and WE don’t what to get hit..........

  5. because there are already to many people on the road that cant drive let alone driver trainees...

  6. they cause too much traffic and drive too slow

  7. They think that you, as a new driver, will be irresponsible and crash. They aren't all wrong, since new drivers don't know everything about driving, and they have a higher crash percentage than older drivers.  

  8. You know its not just learners that get abused by drivers.  Drivers get abused too.  It is just the stresses of daily living.  Everyone is in a hurry and doesn't give a darn about the next guy.  Don't take it personally though.  There are those of us who are very considerate to learners.  We have all been there.  Maybe it would be better if your instructor could take you out on Sunday mornings when people are in better moods.  Your instructor might want to find industrial streets to let you drive around on  instead of streets with children.  It is frustrating for you but soon you will have your license and won't have to worry about this anymore.  Then when you see a learner you can be more courteous.  Good luck with your exams, written and driving.  You will do well.

  9. Well when i was getting my drivers Ed done...people would make fun of us..its just to be funny, and try to scare the learner so that they can make a mistake and fail. BUT i never let that faze me!...just ignore it people are ignorant, and never realize they had to go through with it too...noone was born to know how to drive...thats why they have classes

    youll be fine :)

  10. most drivers are selfish and inconsiderate of other people they think they own the road

  11. Just by the wording in your inquiry, I'll presume that you are beyond your teens. And if you are in a driving school car, that puts you in the same category as teens trying to get their wheels on. Therefore you are guilty of the same sins as teens who get their license and completely forget and otherwise ignore the lessons of learning to drive.

    Don't take it personal. Everybody on the road gets (or gives) the same rage treatment at one time or another. Focus on your efforts to be the best driver you can. When all is said and done, safety is you - your attitudes, ability and emotions.

    All the best


  13. cuz they are racists and dontwant their kids around  us lol we should sue for driving discrimination!

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