
Why do dwarves of Tolkien's universe carry axes?

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Dwarves of Tolkien's universe are creatures who dwell underground and mine ore and precious metals. Why, then, do they carry axes by default? It seems somewhat out of place that they choose a tool whose primary purpose is to fell trees.




  1. Dwarves while small are very Strong. A warrior who uses an axe must be very strong.

    I favour Axes over a sword. It can be used as many tools in one.

  2. It's to do with their physiology.

    Being a race that is short, stout, strong and with a great endurance the axe makes a more efficient weapon.

    An axe does not need to be as long as a sword to be as efficient a weapon.

    Not to mention that dwarves are notoriously tight with their money, and using less metal (compared to wood) makes an axe cheaper to make.

    And if you take note there are dwarves that wield shortbows and swords (Thorin).

  3. Axes (weapon) and sledge hammer or pick (tools) require the same type of motion to use effectively. A dwarf miner could swing an ax with little or no training, It would come natural to him.

  4. Most probably because a sword might be too cumbersome in terms of length. Axe is good...cos it's powerful, heavy and gives the dwarves its own image of uniqueness/formidability through this tool turned weapon.

  5. The ax is for fighting not to be used as a tool.

  6. in all fantasy books, dwarves wield axes. dont know why but they do . check out any fantasy book, film, game, dungeons and dragons etc - dwarves carry axes. end of story

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