
Why do eggs make ..?

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everything they touch stink? i can smell eggs on a plate after its come out of the dishwasher! if ever i use a bowl to mix a cake batter that's had eggs in the batter, i have to spray bleach water in the bowl to get the smell off. its sooo gross.

i went years w/out eggs, i swear i could do it again!-but does anyone have the reason why that smell tends to linger?

dont just say "'cause its dead" i realize that- thanks!!




  1. they contain sulfer - that's what you smell

  2. You have a very unique sense of smell. I'm not kidding you !

    I worked at an egg plant when I was a teenager and I know what

    you are referring to.  It grossed me out so bad I got nausea's every time

    I smelled eggs. It is the natural sulfur that is in eggs. Sulfur is actually a very natural healing agent.

    Try soaking your dishes in a mixture of baking soda and water. Let the dish soak for a day or make a paste of baking soda and water and wash the pans with it. Vinegar and water also works to remove the smell.

  3. I'ts because eggs have a high sulfur content. Sulfur is the mineral also found in matches and gunpowder, it has a strong smell. You want to use bleach to wash anything that's been in contact with eggs.  

  4. good question  

  5. You are highly sensitive to sulfur compounds.  I feel your pain.  When I was pregnant I could barely stand walking past eggs in the grocery aisle!

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