
Why do elephants try to touch people with their trunks, and wrap their trunks around you?

by  |  earlier

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It's scary lol, I feel like they might be thinking about eating me! Why do they do it?




  1. they are just being playful

  2. hiiiiii

    i guess its a sign of showing happiness......they have no other way of showing their joyfulness like i mean dogs show their joyfulness by waging their tails

    hope this helps you

  3. I don't know, but when I was little and all they had were fences at the zoo, an elephant reached over and grabbed a paper bag I was holding with my coat in it! I can't remember if he ate it or not but I'll never forget. It is freaky.  

  4. Because they are very loving and they can't use their arms. . .

  5. Despite an elephant being able to pick up a 500lb. log with its' trunk like it's nothing; their trunks are actually quite sensitive. I've seen an adult female Asian elephant pick up a "Tums" that fell out of her keeper's pocket with no problems!  

    Elephants are extremely intelligent and use their trunks to investigate. There's nothing to be afraid of, they're just smelling and checking you out. They are vegetarians, so no worries on that end. :)

    Please keep in mind, that they are also extremely powerful and much like humans, can have "bad" days. The job of an elephant keeper is one of the most dangerous professions- averages one death per year.  

  6. It is a sign of comfort ;D

  7. The trunk is the elephant's "hand", and its nose. When they wrap their trunk around you they are investigating, it is like a dog coming up and sniffing you.

    Elephants are intelligent inquisitive animals and they like to explore new things. Also, they know that humans often carry food!

    Don't worry, they are vegetarian.

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