
Why do employees ignore the new person at work?

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i have been treated that way when starting a new job, despite initiating conversation and being friendly; they just stare at me like i'm from mars. do you ignore new hires?




  1. I think that's arrogant of you got to make the first move and try to just start a conversation somehow.. if they were normal people they would make it easier on you and break the ice for a new person and act as mediators at least one of the staff to introduce you to the others.. that's not nice of them at all to be so standoffish and so narrow minded to treat a newcomer this way. shows they lack social skills and tact... you should talk to them....  just be polite. ask some work related questions. they hopefully are not all such arrogant cheeseheads... that is rude of them.. x

  2. It takes time.. be patient.. you are learning about them, they are learning about you.. before long you won't be the new person!

  3. Seems like when someone new comes to work it's unnerving because the people you work with can make your life better or worse, and unless you quit, you're stuck with it. If they end up being awful, and you've made friends with them, it's a drag. I've started jobs where people acted like I had leprosy, and wondered what they could possibly have against me. Then when they trusted me, it was all good.

  4. Dear Friend,

    It's not like they are ignoring you infact they are studying yours personality.Just wait for sometime and I am sure you will feel that after passing 3 months atleast they will start talking to you.

    Everyone needs time to familiar with others.Its not only at work, we can have the same act at family as well.When new person is joining us we are not talking with them immediatly.We need time to know each other.

    Hope you understand and will not feel bad and would give them time :-) GoodLuck!!!

  5. I dont ignore them, but some of my co-workers do....they are trying to feel the person out.

  6. Sounds like you work with people who were never taught proper manners.  I always go over to the new person with a drink and snack and ask if they would like to join me.  The only way to get to know someone is to talk with them.  Ignoramuses!

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