
Why do employers and agencies say you need an up to date passport ?

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and/or a full birth certificate(they wont accept half page copies)to work? Why are they so fussy,I am a British citizen.




  1. Because as in UK this is the only document confirming your identity. They need to be sure you are you, not somebody else. Usually they request the birth certificate with the driving licence. If you have UK passport they hardly ever ask for other documents.

    They're not fussy, it's just common sense. Also there are so many foreigners, that they need to check first if the person is eligible to work in the UK first anyway.

  2. They need ID verification to make sure they're paying the right person, you are who you say you are, HR records, etc.  It's totally standard with agencies though not all employers are too bothered.

  3. It is a load of bollox - how could i even AFFORD to go abroad on the £6 an hour (if you're lucky) packing jobs these agencies advertise? SO WHY WOULD I HAVE A PASSPORT ??!! (UK citizen of 46 years, family in the British Isles for hundreds of years).

  4. Probably because we are having a lot of illegal immigrants coming in.  I know now that companies can get fined for employing them, so I would guess it is to conver their own backs

  5. Its just so they can do the relevant checks, credit/identiity checks. the short birth certificate doesnt hold enough information for an accurate check - they need your parents names and what district which is only on the full version!

  6. The short copy (if, you don't mean a photo copy) tells them what they need to know, they're not employing your parents! and do not have any right to do any checks on them! you can get a certified copy of the full one, may be a good idea anyway. they want photo ID, which not everyone has, not everyone drives or has a passport! I'm not sure how people without those go on - absolutely crazy, you have your NI number and proof you were born here, surely that should be enough! My hubby had the same problem after 26 years in the forces, they said bring a utitlity bill - what on earth would they expect that to tell them? they don't need photo id to send a gas bill! they've never needed photo id to tax you either lol!

    I agree with you! but you're going have to go along with it,just more of our details to get lost, I think!

  7. Every company/employeer I have EVER worked for have been perfectly happy with a half page birth certificate.

    And before you ask I am a English Citizen.

  8. Sometimes they even ask you to produce your exam certificates, to prove you are a bright and worthwhile person.

    It's not fussy to ask someone to identify themselves and show they are who they say they are.

  9. You know you are a British citizen but how do they.??

    Employers have to cover themselves as they can face huge penalties for employing anyone who is in the country illegally.

    A passport is issued with stringent guidelines therefore possesing one means you have complied with the guideline issues.

    Also your birth certificate must be the original as photo copies can have been doctored more easily.

  10. Because a passport is not 'valid' if its not up to date....and there could be many many reasons why the passport office may not want to issue you another one.......

    Its to do with invalid passport is simply not a passport if its out of date.........

    I understand that your a UK citizen, i am too, but we all need to update our documents, it just keeps everything upto date and valid.......  and if your docs are valid then you are valid......

    I know it seems silly.....but mate......thats the UK for ya!

    Take care....Aj

  11. Does this question not answer itself?! So that the company that employs you can be sure you are who you say you are? Or would you prefer that companies did no checks whatsoever and employed anyone - irrelevant of background, possible criminal activity, the list goes on..................

  12. Because employers are held responsible for ensuring they employ people who can legally work here i.e. not illegal immigrants.  You may look and sound British, but they have to be able to prove it if necessary, so the best way is for them to see it and take a copy themselves.

    Very understandable if y ou ask me.

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