
Why do employers say 'We'll keep your details on file'?

by  |  earlier

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Are they just saying that just to fob you off?




  1. They probably mean it - if you can be of use to them in the future then it would be in their interest to contact you.  Why repeat the effort to find someone if you've already found them?

    It also has a sort of "don't call us, we'll call you" quality to it, though.

  2. There are two reasons:

    The first is that sometimes there are going to be future openings in the company which you may be suited for and they can hold your details on file in case one of them comes up.

    The second is to let you down gently if you don't get the job. They are basically trying to make you feel that you are a good candidate and were just beaten at the post.

    If you managed to get through to the interview stages, then I would think it was the first reason (if they go to the bother of interviewing you then they know you are competent to do the job). If you didn't get that far, I'm afraid it is the second reason.

  3. Some do. We don't say it unless we want to hold on to your details if something comes up for which you might be suitable.

  4. Exactly the same as "... but we can still be friends."

  5. By law they can say no we are not hiring but we are accepting applications.

  6. To make you feel better about not getting the job.

  7. Most will keep your application for at least 6 months. Some will keep it longer. I once got a callback for an NC programmer position 2 years after I applied.

  8. Yes.  It's another version of 'don't call us, we'll call you.'

  9. Yes, it's a polite way of saying they're not interested!

    It's stupid really, it'd be much better if they were honest - they don't have to be unpleasant about it, but they could always say 'Sorry, we are not interested in your application at this present time' etc etc.  At least that way they are being straight with you!

  10. It is a way of fobbing you off, but also a kind of insurance policy for themselves, in case the appointment they have made doesn't work out and they would like to come back on the rebound. They very seldom do get in touch again.

  11. I suppose some might, but it's better than "we've put your crappy application in the bin".

    It's the same as saying:

    "Thanks for your wonderful application, unfortunately it was not quite wonderful enough, so we've filed it in the small cylindrical filing cabinet next to my desk"

  12. Basically, yes, they are just brushing you off.  If you submitted an application when not jobs were available the chances of you getting called when one does come available are slim to none.  If they did have an open position, it was a polite way of saying they are not interested.

  13. "don't call us, we'll call you"

  14. It's nicer than saying, "I'm going to shred your resume as soon as you walk out the door."

  15. in future if they wants to contact you.  

    or if you reapply after some, to match your details and information you provide.

  16. Sometimes but it also means if some 1 working for them doesn't come up to scratch they will get in touch with you as they have your details in their files

  17. Because it is another way of saying!You have not got the position!Then you will not go away saying negative things about the interviewer and the company!

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