
Why do energey drinks make me pee so much?

by  |  earlier

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like, seriously i just had a couple sips of rip it and now i am almost peeing my pants!

any explanation?




  1. that happens to me too. i'll go like 5 times after i drink a large Monster.  i dont know why

  2. no sorry

  3. Many of them contain caffeine, which in addition to being a stimulant, is also a diuretic.

  4. Energy drinks have caffeine. Caffeine takes more water to process than a caffeinated beverage contains. This means it acts as a diaretic and dehydrats us. The water used to process it is then immediately excreted. So an 8 ounce serving of an energy drink may very well cause you to loose 12 - 16 ounces of water. The higher the caffeine content the more water you will loose.

  5. Does your energy drink have caffeine in it?  Caffeine is a known diuretic and therefore if you ingest it you will have to urinate more frequently.

    PhD Food Chemistry and Nutrition

  6. dehydration  

    happens to me

  7. Because it aint purple drank.

  8. maybe because off all the sugar!!! thats what i think because it makes sense.

  9. that's kind of funny.

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