
Why do english people put up with everything thrown at them by goverments?

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local councillors get elected . they should be held accountable . but nobody complains .wow were british .




  1. It wouldn't happen in France there would be mass riots, but we English are too lazy and apathetic to take action.

  2. I agree we are too polite, and don't forget we are well known for our love of queueing as well !!!!! still I am proud of being British!

  3. It is because we are British...when do the British complain about anything???

  4. b

  5. We can't complain... we're British!!

  6. The UK Parliament:  

    635 employees with the following employee statistics.

    29 have been accused of spouse abuse

    7 have been arrested for fraud

    9 have been accused of writing bad cheques

    7 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

    3 have done time for assault

    71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

    14 have been arrested on drug-related charges

    8 have been arrested for shoplifting

    21 are currently defendants in lawsuits

    84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year

    What chance therefore do the electorate have of honest and beneficial government. When MP's living standards, morales and practices are firmly entrenched in the gutter?

    And what of Elizabeth, Our Gracious Queen: Who does nothing to safeguard her subjects from the election of such miscreants to her Parliament.

    What then, prevents the UK from sliding, sliding, ever more deeper into the abyss of the dark ages?

  7. we r-twats we all moan - but who actually does anything?????

    Let's all storm the govt - meet you at the house of lords, 9,45 on Monday 17th sept. we can demand reform!!

  8. Because of the psychological tricks played on them such as these online Downing Street petitions which delude people into thinking they are being heard. But they are all replied to with a standard letter of Government policy.

    Don't forget though - the poll tax riots worked, so mass civil disobedience can have an effect.

  9. because we are a bunch of gutless wonders,we all like to harp on about how bad things are getting in this country,but do nothing about it.however i do believe that sooner or later there will be a backlash,just like the petrol protests a few years ago.trouble is that when it happens the government will give us a sweetener and we will accept it,like the idiots we are

  10. Shaka where do those stats come from?

  11. Yes we english put up with everything,That is why there is a record number of english leaving the uk.

  12. The way the system works , stinks , these people that run our Govenment's and Council's , yes are elected , they are not held to account for there actions , and whats more try to elect any of them out of office , it can not be done , yes out of power but they still keep there job

  13. We are pathetic.

  14. The way things are going, there will be no British people left in Britain,  it will all be Europeans.

  15. you are so right!! it makes you want to move sometimes doesnt it!

  16. Because their idiots and idiots wont save the world. The wizards of Oz will. Australia not America! Life Be In It.

  17. They are apathetic, and lazy.

  18. Oh, we complain, to each other alot.  But frankly, we are afraid of the government, and it's a sad thing.

    There are many of us who have spoken out, who have like me, written their congress and senate, but what it boiled down to are those that should 'represent' us are not doing what we've asked them do to. Elected officials have really lost track of what is right, and the system it too far corrupt now for individuals to make a change.  What we'd need to do is make a statement, 'V for Vendetta' style.


  19. Well I'm a Brit and I certainly don't take no ****. I always complain where and when it is necessary. To the government, local council and everything else that's c**p.

  20. They are too busy working to survive ,thats why.

  21. I see yor point.

    I guess us Brits are used to tugging the forelock, or doffing the cap if the person is some local digniatory, on the false assumption that they must be in the right.

    I can't be doing, at the other end of the scale, with folks that leap up and down causing unstable politcal relations.

    At a local meeting, I have stood up to a Councillor. and spake "John, that is no good, the thinking is all askew"

    This was met by a goodly ripple of applause, so such is democracy, so we do not have to agree with everything we are told In that particular case, the plan was changed.

    I am not belligerent, but we all should not be scared of stating our views, if we feel that we are correct.

    Power and privelege does not faze me.

    I "outrank" a lot of folks at work, but will happily take on board the concensus of opinion.

    So be it !


  22. oh yes i do believe that if a councilor gets things wrong then they should pay for it out of there own pocket as with any politician its about time this was brought in can you just imagine how much blaire would have to pay us back ,but i do agree with you

  23. Are things really that bad?

    Life in modern Britain seems okay to me.

  24. We can't be bothered

  25. because the english have forgotten how to stand up for them selves and fight when needed. since the end of the british empier the country has fallen into steady decline. goverment still thinks its a great and powerful nation we have. they dont seem to understand england cant afford to be so generous and is no way near as tough as it was. it is not the powerful empier it was. its just england tiny country with big history and no morereal muscle.  we should stop acting like an old punch drunk fighter who cant admit he's past it.

    all we need do is stand up be counted and say NO!!! . if we all do it the country ( goverment has to listen) they dont have enough prisons to put the entire nation in and if the did they would be out of a job. so lets get together and pretend we have a pair of nads betwwen our legs and say no untill we really do have a pair . girls too sorry for the comparasin

  26. So you call $6.00 + a gallon for gas "not that bad!"?  You are in a monarchy for God's sake!  The Euro, hello!  If we wanted to live there, bro, we would!  But we here in the US don't!

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