
Why do english people say foul things about pakistan? i would like to ask them ALL...!!?

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have these english people experinced something bad about pakistan.....! of course not!. they say what they have heard. and the major enemy of pakistan is india. always speaks against pakistan.... pakistanis are working all over the world!! they are not terrorists!!!!! remember SAY WHAT U EXPERIENCE and never rely on what u hear! i am really allergic to the word terrorist associated with pakistanis




  1. why are there so many extremists in hiding in pakistan then ?

    I know some p**i's, and they seem like good people....  I just don't get why they put up with gangs of murderers living in their country.  In essence...where's the public outcry ?  I see world news where pakistani's protest against America, but I never see them protesting against Islamic extremists.

  2. I can't speak for the brits, but most Americans don't have a negative opinion of Pakistan. We do have a problem with Pakistan not helping us deal with Al Qaeda or giving shelter to the Taliban. Why don't they try to help us in this fight? Are they hiding something?

  3. Maybe because the p**i's are behind those great bombers that have tried to blow the s**t outta London many times??  Sorry Im not racist or anything but after the same race has hit the twintowers here, then went to london and blown up their transportation systems and then more were just caught going in to blow up more of England?  I sure wouldn't appreciate any of your kind around-  Its not being racist its just more then a few of that race has shown what they will do and putting other people in harmsway.  Its Racial Profiling, Im very sorry if you are a p**i but i'd look at you the same way I'd look at those poor A55holes that tore a chuck outta New york, and London! No offence.  But if It was all Americans or English people running around going crazy and blowing your home land up you'd feel the same way!  So thats probably why the British don't respect you much! Cheers!

  4. Becuase they are letting Al Qaeda run in their northwest mountains...

  5. Ok let me ask u.. why do people from that area talk foul about the english?  its going on between both  not just one..

  6. I don't know why. I have a friend named Sameen (first name only of course for purposes of anonymity), he is Pakistani but he is also a Christian and speaks ill of the Muslim Pakistani, whom persecuted him and his family horribly. Perhaps because most of us have only this and what we see in our Western Media that many of us have developed a poor opinion of most Pakistani?

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