
Why do english people seem to criticise scots for wanting independence?

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in my opinion only a true scot would want Independence even an english person living in scotland who favours independence is more scottish than a native who against it. i mean what are the reasons for not having independence look at norway, iceland ireland these are all similar in size to scotland and have similar cultures and these places are among the best to live i the world.




  1. Because their wankers.  

  2. Because England is no longer a super power and it gets threatened by Scotland wanting to be independent. It's the same reason that England holds on to Northern Ireland.

  3. if scotland gained independence it is almost guaranteed that scottish people would be worse off

    thats why scottish people wanting independence are in a minority - the majority are not stupid enough to cut their nose off to spite their face

  4. I want britain to disintegrate  

  5. I have no problem with Scotland or Wales wanting independence. However at the moment they seem to want to make decisions in UK parliament for England as well as Scotland AND have their own assembly to make Scottish decisions. You can't have your cake and eat it! Independence should mean giving up their seats in Westminster.

  6. It is a myth to suggest that English people criticise Scottish people for wanting independence! The majority want Scotland to have their independence as soon as possible!Why?Scotland has long been a drain and encumbrance on the English and Welsh taxpayer for way too long.

    The only point I would like to emphasise is!England and Wales stop propping up Scotland by way of taxes and that finally at long last Scotland stands on its own two feet.

    If Scotland becomes a member of the EU in its own right!Then the French and German taxpayer will know what we have been going through for generations!Let the Scottish live off the backs of the Italian French and German taxpayer! For a change!Independence for Scotland!

  7. Because they don't have a parliament of their own & resent that fact.  They are the only part of the UK not to have their own parliament/ assembly.  If English people want their own parliament they should campaign for one like the rest of us in the UK had to do.

  8. Id be glad to see  the scots go their own way.. They'd soon find out what its like  to be on the outside looking  in rather than been cosy  on the inside looking out!.  

  9. Because they enjoy Scotland's money. lol :-)

  10. I come from a Scottish family but I consider myself to be English.  All my friends are English and I have never heard any of them even mention Scotland or its independence.

    I think Scotland, the whole of Ireland and Wales should all be independent personally.  Then I wouldn't have to listen to all the bleating.

  11. Scotland can have their Independence. I'm a proud Englishman and I'm sick to the back teeth of having Scots in our Government running our country. p**s off Gordon Brown, Darling, Browne and the rest of you.

  12. How would you like each of your states,which are larger than the country,s you refer,each to want independence.This subject is only pushed by the sheep who follow power crazy politicians.

  13. We don't- believe me !!!

    Independence for SCOTLAND- hurray !

    (Then we can stop subsidising you with our taxes!)

  14. Not me, if the Scots want it, then have it!

  15. No one criticising them for wanting Independence, they can have it. Most of them live in England anyway.

  16. The English may take our lives....but they'll never take OUR FREEDOM!


  17. I don't, good riddance to them!

  18. Nobody gives a $h!t what goes down in Scotch Town, so long as you don't get any ideas of sneaking your dumb lazy mean a$$ over here to the States.  Go ahead, Hamish, knock yourself out with your independence.  

  19. if scotland is such a drain on the westminster finances why will they not let go , well the answer is 91billion of oil revenue alone . scotland has the same population as denmark and a lot mort resources that is being drained by westminster spending . Brown anc co gave their total support to one of the balkan states on their gaining independance (the two faced prat that he is )we WILL get independance as and when the people get their right to make their decision . pompus politicians have NO right to say they are democratic when they will not give the people the right to decide their destiny

  20. i don't criticise Scotland for wanting to go it alone. and i dont have a problem with it iether. they want a chance to be free of England and frankly! we should let them have it. i welcome a referendom to see how the Scotish people feel about it. BUT! they'l have to wait until the death of new labour, because labour will never agree with a referendom on any! subject. they are total dictators.

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