
Why do epople prefer FM radio stations over AM radio stations?

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Why do epople prefer FM radio stations over AM radio stations?




  1. There is no static with FM (Frequency Modulated) stations.

    If people like classical or easy listening music, it is more likely to be found on FM stations than AM.

    The downside of FM is that it is "line-of-sight" and has a much smaller range than AM (Amplitude Modulation), which can be heard much farther away, especially if the Am station is a clear channel station.

  2. Sound quality (less compression).

  3. Because FM radio has what is called a "capture effect" and AM does not. This is why AM is all "scratchy" so to speak. People like it clear and crisp. FM is clear and AM is not

    The capture effect, or FM capture effect, is a phenomenon associated with FM reception in which only the stronger of two signals at, or near, the same frequency will be demodulated.

    The capture effect is defined as the complete suppression of the weaker signal at the receiver limiter (if it has one) where the weaker signal is not amplified, but attenuated. When both signals are nearly equal in strength, or are fading independently, the receiver may switch from one to the other and exhibit "picket fencing".

    Amplitude Modulation, or AM radio, transmission is not subject to this effect. This is one reason that the aviation industry, and others, have chosen to use AM for communications rather than FM, allowing multiple signals to be broadcast on the same channel.

  4. AM radio is just boring talk radio.

    FM is CD quality music...

  5. AM radio has lots of static. FM does not have static. Plus, most of the FM radio stations operate @ 100,000 watts max. AM station as much as 50,000 watts, per the FCC.

  6. because  no one  likes A.M. Stations i don't  either    nothing to listen

    and  plus  they always have static   gets really on my nerves  nothing but news sports  talk

  7. Sound Quality, man

  8. For me it's cuz

    1. AM breaks when you go under bridges and I near in a city

    2. When you are near power lines it gets inerference

    3. It has worse sound quality

    4. There is less stations

    5. It is mostly news and sports

  9. Sound quality and intereference. AM  radio is monaural and subject to intereference from atmospheric electrical disturbances (lightning). FM is stereo and is not affected by lightning.

  10. AM talk radio, learn a lot

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