
Why do escalator handrails always move faster then the stairs?

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Why do escalator handrails always move faster then the stairs?




  1. So that if you grip the handrail real tight your arms will be ripped out of your shoulders by the time you reach the top.

    The curvature of the handrail and the steps is different, so at some point they move at different speeds to compensate for this difference in curvature.

  2. Because the people who designed it are idiots.

  3. The stairs and handrail are designed to move at the same speed and are driven by the same electric motor. The motor connects to a drive gear that moves the steps, and from there a belt turns a wheel that drives the handrail. Although the handrail will ideally move at the same speed as the steps when first installed, it wears and stretches as it is used. As a result, it can change speed. Improper handrail set-up, seized rollers, flat spots or contaminants on the handrail drive surfaces can all affect the speed.

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