
Why do ethnics living in another country only eat their food and no other cultures?

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I live in a multi-cultural society. Chinese eat only chinese, Lebanese only Lebanese and us whites eat everybodies but they don't? I eat Burmese, Indian, SE Asian, Japanese, but you rarely see this cross over with the ethnics. Any clues?




  1. Your question generalises ethnic groups.

    I work near China Town in Melbourne.  Just yesterday, I saw 2 different groups, one of Greek and one of Indian going out for chineese yesterday.

    I guess it comes down to the individual circumstances.  I eat what I can cook, because eating out isn't a financial option for me at the moment.  Others may be in the same position.

    Just a thought.......

  2. That's not true I visited China, the KFC and Pizza Hot places are full of Chinese. On the other hand no wonder why the ethnic groups you know are sticking to their diet, because every ethnic groups food I ever seen and tasted in anywhere is much healthier than Burgers and Cokes.

  3. I see other cultures choosing to eat a variety of food choices, but I think, bottom line, we all fall back on our comfort foods, the things we are familiar with.

  4. I live in the US and we eat everything that's why we are so fat.

  5. That is a huge generalisation!

    On the whole people eat what they are used to. If you went to a small town in Peru where they frequesntly ate BBQ guinea pig, would you want to eat that everyday or perhaps you would rather a sandsich or burger, or roast chicken?

    So, as a matter of taste, people in Australia from all cultures and ethnic backgrounds eat what they like.

  6. Not true.  I watched Mexicans going into a Chinese Restaurant just yesterday.  I've seen many people going into various restaurants eating a variety of foods.

  7. You have limited experience...plenty of people I know from other countries try/eat all kinds of other foods here.

  8. Because that is what they are use to. That is all they know to make and eat.

  9. 1)  their bodies are so accustomed to their own diets that new foods are tough on their stomaches, and they feel ill

    2)  they like their native food

    3)  their own food is healthier

    4)  our food makes them gain weight, or gives them a stomach ache

    4)  old habits are hard to change

    5)  they don't know American recipes

    6)  food is part of their cultural identity

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