
Why do evolutionists try to convince people to believe in evolution?

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why do u care honestly whether or not anyone believes in that bs




  1. We'd like the truth taught in our schools to our kids.  We do not want a badly written fictional tale presented as fact.

  2. Take the question to R&S >>>>>>>>>THAT WAY

  3. It's not just about evolution ... it is about defense of science literacy.

    We are patriots battling against the embarrassment that is the American Creationist movement.  We used to be the leader in science ... but no more (we're now at #33), thanks in large part to Creationists, and their relentless campaign of outright *contempt* for science and scientists.

    The Creationist movement has contributed largely to an overall decline in science literacy in the United States ... where it doesn't matter if over 99% of scientists agree that evolution is the cornerstone idea of modern biology ... what matters is whether it agrees with a childlike, dumbed down caricature of religion based on a simplistic, *literal* view of the Bible.  

    And people who are willing to believe that the overwhelming consensus of scientists are fundamantally wrong on a matter of science ... are people willing to believe that cigarettes are not harmful; that the moon landing was a hoax; that there is no global warming; that the Holocaust never happened; that Saddam Husein was responsible for 9/11; that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, and on and on.  In other words, these are people who say "to heck the experts, to heck with evidence ... just tell me what I *want* to believe."

    It's not just about evolution.

    It's about resisting America's slow descent into "idiocracy."

  4. I support anyone's right to be ignorant, so long as they don't insist that their ignorance should be taught to children in schools I help pay for.

  5. I don't know, why do you accept the theory of gravity, but reject the theory of evolution?  

  6. Because one side is completely irrational on the subject and instantly tries to attack evidence that disputes their view without any functional understanding of the subject they are attacking.  Like, Creationist who attack the speed of light constant and Astronomy as a whole science. It is revealing about human nature and an exercise in debating between to extreme stakeholders viewpoints.  

  7. they are not trying to convinve, something that is wrong. we need a scientific approach for the origin of species and all of them are satisfactorily explained by the scientists. all the present form of species are not created as they exist today. they are result of organic evolution. if it was not so, u can not find the fossils of dinosauraus and other extinct forms that too only in certain ages. one has to beleive organic evolution as it is scientificaally prooved.  

  8. Personally, I don't care what you believe.  But keep your religiously-motivated beliefs out of my public schools, thankyouverymuch.

  9. Well, because pretty much all evidence points out that it is real.

    The reason we try to convince people is because without accepting basic science, you open the door to believing in anything that simply isn't real.

    No, I'm not talking about religion.  Most religious people understand that evolution is real.

    I'm talking about a court case in Ohio where the director of the Discovery Institute (the **POLITICAL** organization trying to push creationism as science) had to admit that under his loose interpretation of 'science', things like astrology, palmistry, witchcraft, and dowsing would be considered science.

    Ask around.  There are plenty of scientists who believe in God.  They simply understand that their God works through a process called 'evolution'.

    Hope this helps


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