
Why do ex-Muslims come to the Ramadan forum?

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They after all have consciously (though ignorantly) rejected Islam - so why come to a forum about Islam? Its not even as if they have a new religion say Christianity they want to convert others too.

I have two theories

1. They out of spite want to get other Muslims to apostate so that they would be equal to them and share their fate-much like a criminal being sent to jail maliciously tries and frames others who are innocent. Or someone with AIDS goes around deliberately infecting others.

2. They secretly know they have made a terrible terrible error and want back in but shaytan is stopping them. When dont let him friends -come back to Islam the door is always open!




  1. When the subject matter is a-theism, the subject is still religion, only from the opposite angle.

    When the subject matter is denying Islam, the subject is still Islam, only from the opposite angle.

    By rights, the "Ramadan" section should be about the holy month, isn't it? But you people invade the section with the creeds of your own specific sects and then complain about atheists and ex-Muslims participating?

    And what happened to freedom of speech? If you have the right to critisize atheists and ex-Muslims, don't you think they have a right to critisize you, too?

  2. Butterfly made a good point.

    Why do you have to assume that they're all evil or whatever assumptions you just made? Yes, I believe there are some Ex-Muslims here who misbehave and don't respect themselves, especially Sara. But you dont have to generalize and say ALL ExMuslims fall under those two assumed theories. There are a lot of GREAT Muslims (scientists, preachers, etc.) who left Islam for good and never looked back! There are some who are great ex-muslims who speak against Islam (like Wafa Sultan) to merely show other Muslims that what they follow is false and want to share their thoughts and experiences with Muslims. There are many who became Christians and are just following their faiths.

    Its no always a muslims converts to Christianity becoz he finds money or becoz of the surroundings. Consider the son of Hamas leader, who left Islam for Christianity!!!

    Anyways, what you're doing is defined generalizing. I left Christianity not becoz I wanted money or to defame it. I left it because of my pown personal reasons. Thats the same way most ex-muslims leave.

  3. I will take the 2nd theory,


    There r many ex-Muslims who r not really Muslims!!

    someone told me that ex-Muslim Sara is a Man!!!

    Can u believe that??


    IF they truly left Islam,

    then why do they care about us??

    they abuse and mock because they left Islam for the very reason,

    Islam prohibits to abuse and mock others,

    so in many years,

    a mocking and abusing lava was boiling inside their heart,

    so when it erupted,they just couldn't hold on to the truth,

    Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: "The Prophet said, "Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up.

    1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays.

    2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.

    3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous.

    4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner."  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Belief, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 33)"  

  4. Is it impossible for you to think of a 3rd option such as they feel they've been freed from oppression and want others to know the freedom they've found from leaving Islam and want to share that with others so they may too consider leaving and finding the freedom they have.  Why do Muslims always assume ex-Muslims have an evil ulterior motive, not all of them bash Islam once they leave, they just give passages from the Quran that show, in their opinion, the bad side of Islam, but you all take it as an insult and act like they've committed some crime.  I thought you were supposed to treat all people with compassion.  When you speak badly about them you simply prove to them that they are right about Islam.  If you showed some respect and compassion for them it could lead them back to the religion.

  5. deep down they feel very guilty,and they want to justify their decision.

    which they are not able to  

  6. Allah (SWT) says that he has sealed some people's hearts (although I don't understand that TBH) which means, some people, knowing the truth, STILL don't follow.

  7. Who are ex-muslims? I have never heard of them.

  8. Not all of these so called ex muslims were even muslims......

    Some of these are atheists and christians poking some fun at us, just to laugh and tell their home about how muslims said this and that to them....

    only about 10% of the ex muslims were actual muslims in their lives who stopped believing in God early in their life. The rest werent ever muslim at all

    Sorry but thats how it is... It is ridiculous to say there are being some so called "mass conversion out of islam"... Well thats how it is here too... The atheists who were muslims will never be convinced because they are certain of their non-Godly beliefs, while the christians who were muslims actually grew up in Christian surroundings and converted because of Financial benifit and/or assimilistic cultural influence...

  9. They are most likely not ex-muslim.

  10. I am a christian and i come here often, i find it entertaining and i get to learn... does that bug you?

  11. Why does it bother you...?

    As a Christian on the Religion and Spirituality forum there are endless Atheists that usually say ignorant things about Christians and the religion. I don't mind. I enjoy answering their queries and sharing the Gospel. It's not a burden to me. I enjoy it.

    I just don't like insults and judgements. That in itself is nasty.

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