
Why do ex Muslims on yahoo ramadan ALWAYS use wrong quotes, yet claim to know the religion well?

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If you're an ex muslim, you should AT LEAST know the CORRECT Quranic quotes before answering or asking questions.

Why do you purposely TRY to mislead people?




  1. When they put EX before Muslim, this shows they are wrong in every interpretation and understanding of theirs.

    So they cannot mislead people because they already have misled themselves and have no life at all. ~!

  2. It ia part of the game by bible thumpers. only for misleading.

  3. b/c they are idiots and they hate the religion and want to promote their hatred.  

  4. Religious people are stupid, misguided fools.

    therefore they have a religion, duh?

    just let them be and let them feel happy believe lies and having sense false of hope of God and an Afterlife

    Haahahahaha, fools.

  5. coz theyre very SAD people who have nothing better do with their life than 2 chat c**p and h8 others... idiots!!!

  6. that is right am Muslim and what u say is really right and i love ur name  

  7. How shall Allah guide a people who have disbelieved after believing and who had borne witness that the messenger was true and to whom clear proofs had come? And Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.


    Holy Quran

  8. me? You use as a source to understand Christianity. They always misquote Christianity and use it for their own benefit. So going by your logic you too do the same thing but just vice versa.

  9. I know that most of the people who come here claiming to be ex-Muslims are doing so to bash Islam, but there may actually be some that were Muslims and discovered for themselves that Islam wasn't the truth.  They want to share that information with other Muslims in the hope they will also find the "truth".  They don't always misquote the Quran, some of them give actual verses that show what Islam is like in their opinion, but Muslims take it as bashing when that was not their intention.  When you treat them rudely and disrespectfully you show them they are right about Muslims and Islam.  If you would treat them as you would another person then perhaps you would influence them to return to Islam.  When they come here and they see all the fighting amongst different sects of Islam it reconfirms their decision.  So the best thing to do is ignore them if all you can do is insult them like so many here have done in this question alone, not to mention other questions that come up about this.  The only civilized answers and behavior from this question has come from non-Muslims.  Did you ever think about what that says about your religion.

  10. bcoz they are idiots!

    and mislead other muslims

  11. Any Ex of any kind wither its a girle wife riligion job, will have nothing good to say thats way there an (EX), who cares any way.

  12. You are not referring to Sara "the apostate muslim lady" are you. She is just a troll. Probably never were a muslim or a woman for that matter.

  13. Good to see they are EX-Muslims. That "peaceful" religion is not good.

    Edit: 20000? You have no proof of that so try again.

    Edit: Why do you all say they are misguided fools. Perhaps they have just seen your religion for what it actually is - killing non-believers just shows the hatred and violence in the religion.

  14. Ask them.. they havebeen here aslong as i have.. i have got used to them being here.. there like a annoying little brother.. they just dont want to go and put some knowledge in there closed heads..

  15. Just to suupress there guilt and create problems in muslims.

  16. we have no way to verify whether she is really ex-muslim or not.

    May be she is actually a group of people sitting somewhere carrying the mission of bringing bad name to Islam.

    Adnan: I think she is referring to sara the so called ex-muslim.

    BTW,  are you too ex-muslim??

  17. Nowadays it is in vogue for any 'so called proclaimed ex-Muslim' and 'any person' who possesses a mere smattering on Islam to deem themselves capable of entering the sacred domain of the Qur'ãn and interpret!

    They go about propagating their own distorted and disrupted band of Islam which is far removed from the Islam of the Qur'ãn!

    Constantly they are engaged in their nefarious attempts to hammer and buffet the Qur'ãn and Islam.

    Al-Hadith: "Whoso interprets the Qur'ãn according to his opinion, let him seek his abode in the Fire." (Tirmizi)

    "Whoso interprets the Qur'ãn without knowledge, let him seek his abode in the Fire."(Tirmizi)

    "Accursed is he who injures a believer and plays deceit with him." (Tirmizi)



  18. Thats how them idiots roll XD


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