
Why do ex husbands always treat the new girlfriend better than they ever did the ex wives?

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i mean even when they were once in love and really had a good time together. my ex goes way out of his way for the girlfriend




  1. Usually because they are younger and hotter.

    Sorry, but its usually how it is.

    ADD ON- Listen to all these bitter women..."it won't last long" do YOU know it won't "last long"?  Why is it that you women seem to think Oh-so-wonderful-you are the ONLY person that can make a man happy?

    OBVIOUSLY, if the man is DIVORCED, we WASN'T HAPPY or he would of done EVERYTHING in his power to stay married!

  2. Could be several things.  Maybe he learned a few things along the way & from the divorce.  Many women get angry that they spent so much time trying to "train" a guy & then another girl reaps the benefits.  Could also be that he just LIKES the new girl better so he does things because he WANTS to not because he HAS to.  I am the recipient of one husband that is fabulous to me but wasn't always like that.  I'm pretty sure that pisses his ex off too but oh well.  She wasn't exactly great to him either.

  3. It's because that is his girlfriend.  Don't worry, once they get married she will be treated like s*it.

  4. it wont last long the real him will come out soon  

  5. because the new girlfriend probably makes him feel great about himself and life.  he probably doesnt have to hope or beg for s*x like so many husbands do.  she might even shower him with unsolicited affection.  

    true, since it's new there's the euphoria that may wear off after a while.  but in the meantime, she's making him feel like a man.  same reason married guys cheat.

    of course its always the guy's fault that the wife doesnt do for him what the girlfriend does.  wives dont lose interest for myriad reasons (way more often than men do), gain weight or treat the husband bad.  

    women expect a husband to do so many things.  a guy just wants good s*x and will shower you with gifts and praise.  thats what your ex has now that he didnt have before.

    great answer valerie x.

  6. probably just to p**s you off. Or maybe he realized how he messed up last time and is trying not to do the same this time. It won't last

  7. dont worry it wont last

    he will get comfortable in the relationship and his true colors will come out

  8. the theory is to move up and improve on ur mistakes

  9. The better treatment could be because he wasn't happy in the previous relationship. My partner's ex was a frigid, cruel girl.  Now he is with me and I treat him like gold and he treats me like gold.  He never did that with his ex because she didn't deserve it.  I think you should open your eyes and take a real look at the circumstances.

  10. Maybe he has learned from his mistakes and sees what he did wrong and wants to change that.  

  11. Because they are always on their best behavior at the beginning of a relationship and it takes time for their true character to come out. It is possible that some men learn from their mistakes though and their new girlfriends need to thank us because they would not be having it so good if it wasn't for the h**l that they put us through.LOL. Your ex may just be a big showman here so keep that in mind especially if he wants you to feel regret about getting rid of him? If he was the one that left you then he is just playing at the vulnerability of this other woman and his picture with her isn't real. His true character will come out sooner or later because a personality does not change that much.

  12. maturity and experience

  13. Mirror reflex, she treats him better than the ex did.

  14. Think back to when you were first dating him...chances are he treated you just as well or almost as well as he now treats her.  After a while they'll become more comfortable with each other and that will subside a bit.  But he may have also learned through breaking up with you that he doesn't want to s***w up his future relationships, and so he's taking measures to make sure that doesn't happen.

  15. Wait till the girlfriend becomes the ex wife. Her time will come. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

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