
Why do families of the convicted on the court tv shows act like THEY are more of the victims than the fam of

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the ones murdered?

like they'll say things like "get over it" or "they was old anyways" or "nobody lives forever" and act like they have it worse because they have to be inconvieneced to drive to jail to see their loved ones...




  1. Well, first off its TV, of course they're going to put in stuff like that to shock you, otherwise no one would watch the show and they wouldn't get ratings. Ratings means money, no ratings = cancelled.

    Besides, you always have to wonder how real some of those court tv shows are, or reality shows for that matter...

  2. Alot of those people are insensitive, but i would be hurt if one of my family members turned out to be a serial killer.  Some people judge you based on crimes your family members committed.

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