
Why do fans automatically consider Jets an elite team instantly with Favre?

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I understand Brett Favre is a legend and is one of the greatest QB's to ever play the game, and I respect that. But I have heard many predictions that this team could reach the playoffs and possibly the Super Bowl. Need I remind everyone that Favre still has to assimilate into a very mediocre offense that is not as well built as Green Bay was in past years. In addition, they have to play the Patriots twice as well as the underrated Bills (for those who don't remember, the Bills beat Favre and the Pack in 2006) so I feel they can also challenge the Jets and win at least one of two games. Jets should be a lot better, I agree, but those who are saying playoffs are a lock should think twice




  1. i dont think anyone in their right mind would the jets an elite team. And i have not heard anyone say it either..

    I think many people are saying the jets may suprise a few people this year. I am thinking maybe 8-8 and flirt with a wildcard spot.

  2. Because now the Jets have every piece of the puzzle, they have the best QB in the league, they have one of the best offensive lines in the league, and a good running game, and their defense is getting better every game.  

  3. Playoffs should be a lock, as long as they win 10 games.  Not only did they get Bret Favre, they got a way better offensive line this year in comparison to lasts, which was one of the worst.  With a bad offensive line and a weak QB behind center, the RB, Thomas Jones, still compiled 1000+ rushing yards.   Now with Brett Favre in the mix we can go for the long ball on passing plays especially with Laverneas Coles speed which could never be utilized with Chad Pennington because he did not have an arm.  Defenses would just sit on the short throws and that did not bode so well as we saw last season.  Thomas Jones is going to have a crazy year along with everybody else.  Believe the hype and jump on that bandwagon because its definitely going places.  At least to the playoffs.  

    P.S.  Two brothers will be playing in the Superbowl this season.

  4. I strongly agree with you. Indeed, the Jets are better with Favre but I don't think they are a lock for playoffs either. I guess since Favre IS a legend everyone thinks they are going far in the playoffs.

  5. They aren't smart enough to realize that the Jets were a 5 win team with Clemens or Pennington.  Brett is an upgrade over them but not that much.  They will win 8 games, finish 2nd in the division, miss the playoffs, and watch Brett retire again leaving them without a starting QB next season.

  6. I agree. I think they will go 9-7 at best.

  7. Because Jet fans are second only behind Cowboy fans in retardation, lack of football knowledge, and poor hygiene.

    Oh yeah, I forgot about Packer fans.

    and Charger fans.

    and LSUBalls.

  8. I've been a Jets fans since birth and for the past few years we haven't had a lot to talk about. But when a Hall of Fame QB like Favre came to our team, it gave us New Hope. I'm not saying the Jets are an "Elite" team, but I think they have a shot at the Wildcard this year.

    Note: Fans of any team like to believe that their team is Elite, no matter how bad their team is. Raider fans think the Raiders will make the Playoffs this season because of Darren McFadden.

  9. The Packers are a very mediocre offense without Favre.  Yes, I know you don't believe me.  Just watch this season and you will see.  Heck, watch the last pre-season game when the first team offense played just awful against the 49ers.  The 49ers!!  Are you kidding me?  I know they played somewhat ok against the Bengals, but the Bengals are awful too.  The Packers will not make the playoffs this year now that Favre is gone.  If they do, you can thank their playoff quality defense.  But that offense is just average now.  The WRs as a group are average.  Aaron Rodgers will fail.

    You make a valid point that Favre has to learn a new offense.  For this reason alone, the Jets may not make the playoffs.  But if there is anyone who knows football, it is Brett Favre.  The man has been around for so long, he knows just about everything a defense can throw at him.  Also, it doesn't matter what offense you are in.  The plays are the same.  Just the terminology changes.  A WR still runs the same routes.  The QB still makes the same throws.  Favre just need to do a lot of memorization.  I think he'll do fine.  He just recently played well in two series against a very good washington team's 1st defense.  Favre's passer rating was almost 140 in that game.  Then again, he only played for about 10 minutes.  Still, he marched down the field against a good defense and tossed a TD pass.  And he did this with what you called a mediocre offense.

    I have said it before, Favre makes the players around him better.  And the Jets have better players than the Packers.  They definitely have a better O-line than the Packers.  The Patriots will falter this year.  They will still be tough to beat and will likely win the division, but they are beatable.  I can see the Jets staying in a game against them.  They might not win, but anything can happen in a close game if Favre is your QB.  In the long run, Favre should learn most if not all the playbook by the early to mid-season.  Then, the team can run any play.  Favre can make any throw and his elusiveness as a QB is as good as any playing today.

    The real question for the Jets is their running game.  If they get anything from Jones, then you could see a very dangerous team down the stretch.  Remember, this team played better than their record last year.  Also, they made a lot of off-season moves to improve.

    And yes, Favre makes them a lot better.  I liked Pennington, but he doesn't have the arm that Favre does.  Against weaker AFC defenses, I expect Favre to have a pretty good year.

    What will definitely be exciting to see is next year, when Favre is fully comfortable with the team.  The Jets just might be that Super Bowl contender you are hearing about.  Imagine the Old Man winning another one at his age?  I bet he wins MVP.  The man's a freak.

    As for calling the Jets a lock, no way.  I wouldn't put money on them at all.  I'd stay far away.  Even though I THINK Favre will do okay, it doesn't mean he will.  He is still old after all.  What if his body finally gives out?  He's been complaining of arm soreness lately.  He might be a freak, but he is still human.

  10. His "proven" leadership, and quick skills will help the Jets out tremendously. All of the NFL will be watching. i give him and the Jets 9-10 wins.

  11. I don;t know why they say that.They will go like 8-8.Favre will help but he doesn't even know the play book.

  12. I think that because they have not had a good qb since joe namath. so when the jets traded for farve the fans are thinking that farve is going to bring them farther then any qb has after joe namath just because of what farve has done so far.

  13. Why do New Jersey teams call themselves New York.  Isn't that lying.  Too good for New Jersey makes you elitist.

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