
Why do fast food places let their employees handle the cash box and dirty money while still serving food?

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Money is one of the filthiest items,being handle by everyone with all kinds of sickness going around,and yet some fast food workers will handle the money and handle the food without even washing their hands




  1. The do not enforce it and no one cares any more... everyone does a job for one reason... money.... and they dont care if they do it right or not, they just do it

  2. They don't. Not serius ones, at least. I know many fast food restaurants and the cashier never ever touches the food they give you. They usually have someone else to give it to you.

    So, just what restaurant did you notice this going on? I'd like to know so that I never go there!

  3. Some places are in it for the fast buck. They don't care about their customers.

    A good fast food place will have their kitchen staff wrap the food, and have a designated cashier, who only handles cash.

  4. I know's disgusting. I usually eat at places that have strictly foodservers and cashiers.

  5. This is very sick!  I have noticed it for years!  I spoke up to a server guy at the window once and asked him to wash his hands before handing us our food... guess what there was a pump right behind him of antiseptic wash and he used it. Each time he saw us come in, which was only once every 2 or 3 weeks ... he used his pump to cleanse his hands... We must have left a memory he didn't soon forget.  We should all start pushing this!   Just ask!

  6. I have been inspecting restaurants for the past 20 years. Also Motels, contractors, buildings and other businesses.  About 300 restaurants total, including those in the major casinos at Lake Tahoe and Reno areas.  The casinos have the most professional service and prep areas, by the way.

    I have trained two or three persons, they happened to be women, that say they do not eat out anymore! One place had an old, top loading freezer that had little square hard rubber doors  on top of the unit. The gaskets on the doors were bad and there was condensate water all over the top of the unit. When I lifted the doors to see what was inside I found the large, open top, containers of ice cream inside. The water ran from the doors down into the ice cream!

    Now that no smoking is allowed in the buildings the bus persons may have a tendency to run across the service alley on break time, have a quick smoke, pee in the bushes. They may not have time (or knowledge) about a wash-up afterwards.

    Incidentally, all of my inspections have been in California and Nevada. I could write a couple of books on restaurants! One converted house in San Francisco would lay newspapers on the floor in a room that was formerly a bedroom in the converted house, now a restaurant. They would lay chicken and pork balls all over the newspaper sheets. When the kitchen called for chicken or pork the men would pitch the stuff through the doors, across the hall, into the kitchen where the cooks would catch MOST of them for the woks.

  7. ewww!!! ur right! i never thought of that!!!

  8. ice is pretty filthy too, they drag the cup though the bin don't even let them put a lemon  wedge in your tea

  9. They are supposed to wash there hands but they don't enforce it. Sometimes fast food places are pretty scummy... a couple days ago I found a piece of gravel in my taco! :)

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