
Why do fat girls wear bikinis?

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I know they have the right to...but honestly. What's happened to good ol' fashioned modesty?

Everytime I visit a beach or pool, I see countless overweight girls their hanging stomachs in public. And I don't mean just a little flab, you can see about two layers of tummy fat!!!!! Some looking only to be about eight years old do this!

What has the world come to...?




  1. They wanna be like evry1 else

  2. cuase they know your looking and your a chubby lover, just dying to grab a huge hunk of blubber. EWWW!

  3. I know I see it all the time.  Not just with swim suits either.

    America today...

    I mean yeah it is great to be confident about your body but geez, you can cover up and be confident as well.

  4. Everyone deserves to wear a swimsuit on the beach. Yeah, some people don't exactly look flattering in one, but most people can find a style that flatters their curves. There's a swimsuit for everyone, but some people need to look a little harder, I agree. And the 8 year olds? That's pathetic, parents need to keep their kids in shape, geez.

  5. So you'll lose your appetite at the sight of them so they can eat all your food.

  6. they can do w/e they want im skinny

    but if i was fat i would still show off my body

    its confidence

    and alot of guys like a lil more fat in thare girls

  7. There's no shame in their game.....If it's not bothering them it shouldn't bother you....

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