
Why do fat people feel justified to defend their rights to be fat?

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Honestly, when you look at it as a whole with the medical problems that are caused directly by obesity, why do they feel like theyre just allowed to get that way?




  1. Oh hush...or I will sit on you !!

  2. about two hundred or so years ago we were promised life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. and i don;t mean to be sarcastic but those rights never changed

  3. They are insecure. Don't mock fat people.

  4. Add the smokers, drug takers, alcohol drinkers.  Add anyone who produces pollution.  Add anyone who puts ideas out there that are destructive.  Anyone who produces weapons.

    Boy, this is fun!  Let's add some more!

    Freedom.  Some people don't get it.

  5. I get it.  You are young, slim and can eat anything you want.  Check back with us in a few years.  Another person's weight is none of your business.  MYOB.  You will learn not to judge others so harshly when you grow up, so it is all in the timing.

  6. Some of them have thyroid problems, and cannot afford, or find decent food, without high fructose corn syrup in it.

  7. Sometimes it is a personal choice and other times it is in the genetic code.  

    I rather give people the liberty to make bad choices than be governed by the nanny-state.  

  8. so... what about smokers then? or car hoons? or steel producers, or worse, the people who work at the steel companies!!! Just setting them selves up for poor health, not to mention everyone else on God's green Earth!!!! Ooo, here's a good one, why do women defend their rights to have b***s! They are just setting themselves up for breast cancer! lets lop off all the titties as soon as they sprout shall we!!!

    Shut your face you stupid git. Fyi, skinny people get just as sick as fat people do. Being overweight increases risks, it does NOT guarantee illness. In Australia, as a contributing factor, smoking is the biggest cause of disease and death. But smoking affects other people AS WELL as the individual. Someone being fat doesn't affect someone else's health.

    Other than you having a rant, what purpose does this question serve? If you could shame people into being thin, there wouldn't BE any fat people, and then where would the diet industry be?

    The diet industry is one of the most profitable. As if they don't work with McDonalds and Pizza Hut to make people fat in the first place.

    Fat people don't WANT to be fat, they have just learned to live with it, and learned to accept themselves for who they are. Fat people don't say 'i'm allowed to be fat!' they say 'i'm allowed to exist and have as much right to life as anyone else despite the fact that i'm fat' it's completely different.

    Have YOU ever had to lose weight? Do you know how difficult it is? To not be able to eat any of the things you were given regularly when you were growing up, to have to eat boring, dry foods, all the while seeing skinny people who can have as much junk as they want. Not to mention the fact that it's a lot easier to exercise 150 pounds than 200 pounds.

  9. read your own question.  Only a fascist would question the right of someone to speak out in his own defense.  Not only do you want the fat folk to suffer for their misdeeds, you would deny them the right to even protest.  Even hitler let people complain about how they were treated.

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