
Why do fat people get gastric bypass? if your that lazy you need help?

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Why do fat people get gastric bypass? if your that lazy you need help?




  1. I think that being that obese is a disease and people need help out of it.  Some people might not be able to exercise being that over weight as it might put a serious strain on thier heart.  I do think though, after they have the surgery they need to eat healthy and exercise whil loosing the weight.  That way they might not be stuck with as much loose skin as they have.  I do not think people should get the surgery and then continue to eat junk... they should change their lifestyle for the better...

  2. If diet and exercise are so successful, why are there so many fat people?  And why do people who lose weight via diet/exercise almost always gain it back plus more?

    I'm a scientist.  You are obviously not.  Educate yourself before you make judgments on others.

  3. Don't you consider gastric bypass "help"?

  4. why don't you do some research on it? gastric bypass is for people who are so morbidly obese, they cant really excersise it off... they cant not eat as much as they do, theyre unfortauntely trapped in their situation. and gastric bypass also helps with diabetes, my friends mother got it because of that... its not laziness, its a disease unfortunately and thats how they get help,... but it comes with alot of risks its not really a shortcut

  5. Well, we can all see how much research you did on the subject. If you knew any thing about obesity you would know many condition can cause it. I had hypothyroidism and diabetes since I was a child; I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome in my teen years. Now as an adult I have to deal with people like you judging me for being over weight. I was told by a Dr I could strive myself and workout until I pass out, I will only be doing more damage then good. She has referred me to another dr to look into gastric bypass as a tool, to help me loss and minting my chosen weight. In addition to all my genes fighting against me I have also been a motorcycle accident and I can longer run, like I did in HS.

  6. It's not a matter of lazy.  It's a matter of genetics.  Even the people who are physically fit and healthy in my family have a big tummy up front.  

    Even eating like the rest of society would balloon my weight to 250 lbs.  (middle-aged F)

    I have physical reasons that I cannot go out and walk like everyone else.

    Gastric bypass or a lap-band procedure would seem to be a good solution for me.  Losing weight would solve lots of my health problems.

    But cutting calories and increasing activity, which works for 90% of the population, would not work for me.  I need extra help.  And it has nothing to do with lazy.

    TX Mom

  7. First off I think you are a troll.

    Secondly you obviously know nothing about obesity and the causes. Many time this disease has nothing to do with laziness and is more based on genetics as determining factors.

    Stay in school or read a book before making such mean generalized statements.

    P.S. Karma is a *********!!! Just remember that!!!

  8. Some have to get it due to medical reasons. Maybe you shouldn't be so judgmental. Some people are fat because of diseases. But I guess your too lazy to research it.

  9. I think that is a very judgemental statement and you should be ashamed. I weigh 275 and im NOT lazy. I have considered gastric bypass. And im not ashamed of it. If it wasnt for my health i would stay this size. If you dont like me fat you for  d a m n sure wont like me skinny.

    And for Shayna, after Gastric Bypass you CANT eat junk food. Sugar causes something called the dumping syndrome if you have had gastric bypass. It gives you severe cramps and vomiting. Also, the extra skin comes from years of being overweight and the skin just cant shrink back down because its been stretched so long. Its usually not as big of a problem in younger people because their skin was stretched for a shorter time. Also, if you dont eat healthy the weight wont come off no matter how little you eat...

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