
Why do females generally like muscley guys?

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Why do females generally like muscley guys?




  1. well, I certainly don't! :) Who told you that? Most women I know think that too much muscle is actually a turn off

  2. because it makes guys better lookin. no girl wants a twig to be defendin them!!

  3. its a sign of health and people are attracted to that, survival of the species and all.  

  4. I dont. Lol.

    I think its plain out gross.

  5. Hey, a moderate amount of muscle is okay in a man, that's just natural attraction between men and women. It's those gross, veiny, disgusting muscles that are awful. Yuck.  

  6. Cuzz it's hawt. <3  

  7. I dont like guys with large muscles actually. They disgust me>> Air heads! I prefer a guy who is fit, lean, or thin who is artistic or great with music or has some sort of talent like that!=)

  8. haha i dont like guys with a lot of muscles.. HUGE TURN OFF.

    but a little muscle is cute =]

  9. Attractive muscles:

    Ugly gross muscles:

  10. Too much is a big turnoff, and if you flaunt it girls will think your full of yourself.

    But a nice six pack for me, is the HOTTEST THING ever.

  11. I dont really care what a guy looks like, I care more about personality. But to answer your question, I prefer toned guys.. too much muscle isn't very attractive.

  12. a little buff is OK, but too much is a turn off!

  13. I don't like too much, or a guy that's impressed with all his muscles.

    Guys that have some muscle equates to competence and strength=maleness.  Usually, if the guy is using his muscles for a practical purpose, NOT in the gym, that's the biggest turn on for a lot of women I know, including me.  

    It shows the guy is able-bodied, and has the work ethic to keep up the muscle (though it doesn't have to be much).  

  14. female's love strong guys.... so, the generelly look for a beefy guy's....

  15. I don't like guys with too many muscles, like those men obsessed with weight lifting.

  16. not all women prefer muscular guys, it's more on how he carries himself and self-confidence that counts.and of course intelligence and uprightness of character makes him more charming.

  17. because they don't like boys who are most likely to get bashed or can't defend their girlfriend or they just look sooooooooooo good.

  18. I don't like the highly muscled men. (Schwartzeneger, and Hulk Hogan are freakishly developed.)  But I know that a man is healthy if he has a certain amount of development. Colin Farrell, Samual L jackson they have the right stuff.  Oh and Brenden Fraiser hes got enough without to much.

    It's a primitive thing women want a man that can protect and defend them.  We aren't much more evolved.

  19. Personally, I don't.

    A little muscle is okay, if they are tall and slender. But I don't do the John Cena-type guys with excessive amounts of muscle. I do like a guy with nice abs, though.

    I like the muscle mass on the Abercrombie and Hollister models. That's a good amount.

  20. That's not always necesarily true. The better girls like guys for who they are. Although if a guy is kinda muscular (not too much) it does show that he knows how to take care of himself, which is always a good thing! But personally, I know that I have no preference as long as the guy has a good personality.  

  21. Because any boy who is stick thin is gross.

    I like guys who are able tp pick me up and spin me round.

    Classical you know ;D

  22. Because they're s**y =) But not really really muscly because that's too much.

  23. I'll let you know once someone tells me why guys are more drawn to girls with bigger b***s???


    But honestly, it just looks more attractive when a guy is toned (not extremely) because they look more masculine. Just like girls who are curvier(if thats a word) than others catch a guys attention more.

  24. I like a certain amount of muscle, partly because it means the guy takes good care of himself and partly just because I find it attractive (why do guys like curves?).  Guys that are nothing but muscle, though, with veins popping out all over the place, are overdoing it.  I think that's gross.  I like someone who spends at least a little time in the gym, but doesn't live there.

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