
Why do feminist's get so offended when you ask them a simple question?

by Guest61362  |  earlier

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I have seen people ask and I have asked and all I get back is hate speech!




  1. define simple question please

  2. I don't know what you are talking about, but depending on how you word your questions can determine how people answer. Kind of like this one - you are singling a group out as to what their opinions are collectively, when each are different people with their own views.

    If people asked questions out of curiosity instead of being indignant about the subject, perhaps the answers might be a little more tame.There are tactful ways to ask.

  3. No one got real upset until you called someone a C8nt and a B*tch.

  4. cuz their more feminine than the average female, everything offends them lol. And also they feel as though they always have to defend themselves. It's an insecurity thing. Highest form of inferiority complex.

  5. I'm not a feminist and your posts still offend and annoy me. They single people out and start off with an insulting premise.  

    I stand by my assessment of you in your earlier question. If you resort to childish insults like calling people b*tches and c*nts then you are nothing more than an immature girl who doesn't deserve a sensible answer from myself or anyone else for that matter. I don't care if someone else called you the same thing, I don't respect those people either but if you are going to expect people to act a certain way then you should act that way as well.

    You easily get mad when someone "unfairly" labels your questions/answers as hate speech yet you are ready to pounce and label others as perpetrators of hate speech which is something I find interesting.

    I would also like to add that whether or not pot is legal/illegal in places is not the point. It is illegal in many countries and posting pictures of it on your profile on the net is by far one of the dumbest things a person could do.

  6. Because feminists are so wrapped up in their hateful agendas that it makes them sour (like a dill pickle) They can no longer have a normal conversations with anyone who may have a differing view.

  7. I don't think we can answer that until you give an example.  If, by "a simple question", you mean, "Why to feminists think women are equal?" or "Why are all feminists fat and ugly?" then I think your answer is obvious.

    Edit: Actually, this is the first question you've asked in this category.  Is there a reason you're lying?

    Edit: Then any other questions you've asked here have been deleted.

    That's kind of like asking, "When did you stop beating your wife?"  It starts with an insulting premise, and then when people are insulted, you whine, "It's just a simple question!"

    How would you feel if I asked you how your mother's herpes was doing?  It's just a simple question.

  8. You didn't ask a simple question.  You asked a loaded question, one that was belligerent and confrontational and dared people to disagree with you.  Then when people did, you attacked.

    And furthermore, you knew that when you asked it.

  9. Well, asking them why they own 36 cats MIGHT SEEM like a "simple" question... but..... some feminists are very defensive about their life style. Since its not the norm.

  10. Please accept my apology for them, and to tell you  to forgive them, forgiving is DIVINE....

  11. Because you are a woman and the feminists see you as a traitor to their cause. In their eyes you are a non believer and must be ex-communicated.

    The answers to this question proves your point.

  12. Marijuana is a controlled substance (drug) in the US.   It has been linked to brain damage.

  13. Everything offends feminists

  14. What's the question?

  15. It's quiet obvious that you have been talking to the wrong feminist, just like many other's on here who say the same thing you are saying. Why don't before you make your biased remarks based off of what a few have told, get your facts right and your questions answered by the right people. It seems that you are a very young girl, or a very immature young woman.

    Edit: Ok now that your question is making sense. Let me ask you this. Why do you ask bias questions based off of a few responses? Like I said earlier one type dose not speak for all.

  16. Wouldn't you be offended if someone made an untrue generalization about your ideology?

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