
Why do feminist thought transitioned from legal matters to personal matters?

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Why do feminist thought transitioned from legal matters to personal matters?





    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

  2. Once most of the legal matters were out of the way, there were still many prejudices to deal with.

  3. Feminists have always been concerned with personal matters. The famous slogan of the Second Wave is, " The political is personal, the personal is political." It means that politics (including legislation - laws) affect our personal lives. It also means that what we consider to be "personal matters" are actually very political as well.

    Currently feminists are beginning to shift into a reevaluation of ethics and morals. Laws have been established that protect women from domestic violence and discrimination. Women can vote, own property and run for office. All important things, no doubt. But there are still deep seated prejudices against women that laws can't correct.

    The idea that women are responsible for suffering and death because of Eve and the apple... the idea that women are bad if they are sexual... the idea that women like to be used and abused.. these notions are a result of faulty thinking and outdated mythologies. Feminists are working to create a world in which women are honored and valued and treated with respect. Legislation alone can't achieve that. It takes a shift in the thinking of individuals and can only be achieved through education.

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