
Why do feminists claim they're after equal rights for women?

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We all know they want female superiority. Heck, if they could reproduce without men they'd wipe us all off the map without a thought.




  1. Since when are you the expert on what I want?

  2. I don't want superiority and agree that you men perpetuate that thought in the minds of the weak just because you're a gynophobe.  Obviously it works look at how many women just bow down and agree with what is a clearly false statement without a thought in their own heads that maybe you're just a troll trying to take out a movement that scares you.  I also would never wipe men from the earth... I like some men and I love one in particular so how could anyone with a half a brain think that is what feminist want.

  3. By definition, feminism's goal is to get women the same rights that men have (?!). But reality is something else. They want SUPREMACY so bad that it reveals itself even in their innocent answers. See example below :

    "OK, whats wrong with wanting female superiority. Men have wanting and having it for years so why can't women want the same thing?" -

    So your AGREEING to your movements goal to gain SUPREMACY NOW, since men HAD SUPREMACY in the PAST? Wow !

  4. "we all know"??... Pretty good argument, body.... I was being sarcastic, of course.

  5. First of all, you're generalizing.

    Second of all, not all feminists want the same thing.

    Third of all, most, no, I will go as far as to say almost ALL feminists love men.

    I do not want female superiority. Do you know what I want? I want women in third world countries to be able to make a choice about who they marry. I want the oppressed Muslim women who were forced to marry someone their fathers picked out for them to be given the chance to fall in love on their OWN and not be stoned to death when they meet someone they are not married to and actually start to love someone. I want someone to give a d**n about the women in Juarez, Mexico who go missing without a TRACE, I want someone to give a d**n about these women who are killed for no reason:

    I'd go as far as saying I've never been oppressed. In fact, I've been getting opportunities in the business world BECAUSE I am a woman. That doesn't mean I can't give a f*CK about women who are oppressed. Everyone loves to generalize but not read. If you knew what feminists did for women who ARE oppressed, perhaps you'd agree with some of them.

    Edit: If all Muslim women choose their spouse, then how do you explain this?

    ""The victim was not interested in marrying, nor remaining married to her husband," the police report said, citing information authorities received from Rashid's wife. "This was causing a great deal of friction between the victim and her father," so much so that the two had not spoken in two months, the report said."

  6. First we need to become equal before we take over the world.

  7. I wonder if some of you guys realize that you are reinforcing an unwanted ideal by continually posting this radical c**p?

    People retain information via repetition.    

    So do you want to reinforce equal rights and opportunities which most mainstream feminists advocate for, or do you want to reinforce the negative radical ideals of special privileges and female superiority?

    You will manifest whatever it is you spend your time thinking.

    So all you guys who constantly complain about radical feminists wanting superiority are actually HELPING their cause simply by giving it your attention.

    Food for thought.

    EDIT @ Sammy B:  Because two wrongs don't make a right.

  8. Yawn. Yes, "we" all know the minds of people we've never met before better than those people do themselves.

    Pretty tiresome, dude.

  9. and they ruin it for the rest of us women.... I would rather be pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen then out working 10 hour days! I still want my man to open the door for me and be the strong one... I dont want to be superior

  10. although i want equal rights, i would NEVER wipe men off the planet, with my husband gone, how else am i supposed to get laid ;-)

  11. While certainly, radical feminists do want female superiority and possibly to wipe men off the planet, this is only for a select few people who call themselves feminist.  Most honestly are looking for equality.  But it is largely the stereotype that I don't identify as a feminist, but as a humanist.  We are all different and the same and we all deserve to have the same basic human rights.

  12. 'Women's rights' and 'feminism' are two quite different things.

    'Women's rights', great. But 'feminism', decidedly iffy.

  13. OK, whats wrong with wanting female superiority. Men have wanting and having it for years so why can't women want the same thing?

  14. Because it sounds politically correct.  In the beginning, the German n***s only wanted Austria and the Sudetenland.  After that they were unstoppable.  Many tried to appease them.  That didn't work.  

    Today law makers are trying to appease Radical feminists.  So far, that has not worked...  One feminist stated "we need to take control of the sperm banks & then we can create our perfect world."  

    Perfect and equal sounds different to me.  One is Utopia, another is rational.

  15. Who is the bigger idiot?  The idiot himself or the one who argues with the idiot?

  16. I think level-headed women do just want equality. In my opinion, they have been viewed as complete equals for at least 20 years. It is the man-hating feminists that are unreasonable and want superiority. They are as evil and unpredictable as any radical group.

  17. Didn't your mother ever tell you that it's rude to put thoughts in someone's head?

  18. it is impossible for women to reproduce without men because either which way you see it,it's men sperm that goes into the woman.

    women don't want  superiority,only hairy spiders(femenists) want that.

    and they can't whipe us out because they are too many of us.

  19. Because some of them actually are. However, it does seem like alot of them really want superiority, whether or not they realize it. They want to be able to do everything men can do but still have special rights and treatment. It's annoying, but what can you do?

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