
Why do feminists demand equality but when it comes down to it justify inequality?

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When challenged about promoting special laws and different treatment they give excuses like we need it because "women get pregnant", "women have babies", "women get raped", "women take care of the kids when they're sick", "women get sexually harassed."

Why bother to demand equality then justify inequality.




  1. All children have fathers as well, and one assumes they want their kids to receive proper care.

    Regarding rape: if a man were violently assaulted, one would expect him to take a few days off.

  2. You are mistaking demands for equal opportunity with an erroneous assumption that feminists believe men and women are identical. Women have babies. Men don't. No getting around that. Therefore, it's rather stupid to give men obstetrical care, isn't it?

  3. So exactly how do feminists 'justify' inequality?

    There was nothing in your question that explained how feminists justify inequality!

  4. Equality is called for by women when they are actually wanting treatment that is equal for them...  As for 'women take care of kids when they're sick', tell me, who does it for the single father who has the kids?  And, equality is impossible, because, as you point out, not everything IS equal, and can't be, because we are different.  

    I don't mind equal rights, I just mind it when all men are portrayed as mad rapists or worse, who only want to take advantage of women, instead of treat them as well as possible.

  5. In your next life experience you will find out first hand what it is like dealing with people like yourself who just don't get it...just can't get it.

  6. When society and the workplace was developed and arranged to take care of the needs of men, making equal arrangements for women and their needs is not inequality.  It is a measure to reach EQUALITY.

  7. Wow-how dare women need a day or two to have a kid! The inhumanity of it! When men can't ask time off to have the child and can only ask off to be there when their partner has their child-it's so unfair! You're right-this equality stuff has gone too far. What are women thinking-can't they just give birth at work like your mother did?

  8. ahhh....the truths of Feminism....

  9. It sounds like you are describing things that do disproportionately effect women: issues around child care and assault and so on. But many men would also like more societal support when they are raising children (including paternal leave) or after they experience a violent assault, and most feminists i have met advocate for men in these situations as well.

    So i guess its hard to answer your question since i cannot think of an instance where feminists have demanded inequality. If you can specify an example of this you might get more helpful answers.

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