
Why do feminists despise the women of the past so much?

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time and time again on this site I read sneering and dismissive comments about women in the past "women were just housewives' 'women didn't do anything except cook and clean' 'women weren't taught to read' 'women weren't taught anything of value'. All these comments are untrue and insulting to the achievements of the women of the past. I can understand men making comments like these, but quite frequently they come from alleged feminists, who ought to know better. Why? The latest idiotic commnet in answer to a query about whether women were allowed to read in the 16th century was 'women couldn't do anything with it except bake a bunch of cookies'. Why do feminists have so little interest in, and so little knowledge of, the women of the past?




  1. Just because you answer questions in GWS does not mean you are a feminist and even if you say you're a feminist- it doesn't mean you're educated about feminism or women's history. Plenty of young men and women frequent this forum who obviously don't have a clue about any history-let alone women's history. Think about how many violent people say they are Christians and think they know all about being good Christians since they have read a bible or gone to church-and they obviously don't have a clue what Jesus taught or how he lived his life.

    I'm almost 50 and I've said my share of nasty things about housewives since I was relentlessly pushed to be one when I was growing up by parents my church my community at school-everywhere I went - so I was determined never to be something that I wasn't given a choice about. I've learned since then that it's important work-but it wasn't considered important when I was growing up and I think many men and women devalue housework and childcare-whether they are non-feminists or feminists or anti-feminists- in spite of their supposed respect for women or themselves.

  2. Louisa, from your question, it sounds like a lot of people haven't absorbed much about feminist history, except that Things Were Bad for Women Back Then, the way some people don't know anything about the Roman Empire, except they dressed in togas and watched gladiators.  Some people just have no inclination to study much about history; I guess it's the same as me being content having only the foggiest idea about NASCAR racing, but why they shoot their mouths off about the subject, I have no idea.

  3. How about a and me...debate knowledge of women's history.

    Do you know anything about, the general population of women from the past?  Sure 1 out of 200 women were taught to read, that makes its ok...right.

    please the fact is women are better off today, because of feminism's.  Now I know you personally are into the traditional domestic violent stuff.  Have fun, but don't whine about women who want and expect more from life and their men.

  4. Your question makes the same kind of broad generalization that you take offense to.  It is untrue to say that feminists despise women of the past... I am a feminist and I do not despise them.  People make generalizations and often repeat the stereotypes with which they are familiar.  Some of the things that you listed as being offensive concepts are even true to a large degree.  Certainly cooking and cleaning is not all women did, but it is absolutely true that very few women were taught to read in most societies, and this is still true today in places around the world.  

    Edit: I think what you mean to express here is that women's past contributions to society, culture, religion, government, etc.are often over looked or minimized, but unfortunately you managed to offend alot of women who probably would have agreed with a more well thought out and presented argument.

  5. we do?

    thanks for tellin me.

    i had no idea...

  6. many of them are ignorant, small minded and narcissistic, their "religion" encourages it. here is a paste, see how this regular writes off sahms

    "I know there has been a lot of talk about women who stay home with their children are doing such a great job but then again, there are those women who only want to stay home because they are lazy and don't want to work. I don't think they do such a great job with their own children. Those are the type of women I recall from my childhood who were always trying to palm their children off onto their neighbors and spent their days watching TV or drinking."

    seems that anyone who does not share their narrow world view is treated with contempt.

  7. That doesn't mean we hate those women. We just hate the fact that they had so few opportunities in life compared to women now. Even you have to admit that part is true.

  8. They see them as weak and submissive, but if it weren't for those women, this country wouldn't be the great country it is.

  9. Maybe the feminists are in denial. They like to rewrite history with a "feminist" flavour. They won't accept that the majority of women in the past were happy doing the things that normal women do with happy marriages and not running round man hating, working, leaving children in creches and having the sexual freedoms they enjoy today.

  10. I think some women have bought into it themselves for whatever reason maybe low self esteem.

  11. I can't say all women who claim to be feminists are well educated, but I don't think those who wrote those comments despise the women, only the society they lived in. No one could blame a 16th century women for not going to school and getting a degree. Many women who posessed any skills that weren't "womanly" often faced harsh punishment from being outcast or tried as a witch.

  12. Feminists feel they are superior to men of the present and women of the past.

  13. I consider myself to be a feminist.  I don't despise women of the past.  I look up to them and honor them!  Without their baby steps, I wouldn't even have the freedom that I enjoy daily.  I think we still have a long way to go, but, hey- we wouldn't be here now if it was not for them.

  14. Becuase they believe acknowlegement or acceptance of the validity of woman in the past threaten and undermine the way they want to live in the future?

  15. As an historian, I agree with your observation. There is a tendency to degrade women of the past (and present) who affect the "domestic sphere" of their lives, as if they would only be valuable if they did exactly what their husbands (and other leading men of their context) did.

    However, it's hard to teach the history of people about whom little or nothing is written. One can make a history based on archaeological findings, but it's frustrating that we don't have more writings by or about women in the past (e.g. diaries). patient. We're trying to get it right in the classroom, so when people grow up to be feminists (or anything/anyone else), they'll at least have a reasonable perspective on history.

  16. The women of the past irritate me, them and their feminist movement is the reason I don't get the luxury of staying home and taking care of my children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. They don't want to turn into their mothers, by celebrating the past.

  18. Maybe they're just uneducated about the subject but like to talk like they have their facts straight.

  19. And where are you finding these dismissive comments about women in the past? Creating straw-women to knock down to pat your own prejudices on the back?

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