
Why do feminists expect equal pay without equal effort and professional sacrifice?

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Professor - you are obviously a feminist but not a professor based on your penchant for Ignoring the inconvenient facts and maintaining that feminists should get equal outcomes from unequal input.




  1. They don't.  They continue to fight for the opportunity to put forth the same effort and make the same professional sacrifices.

    There is more to the wage gap argument than what you have included in your question.

    You cite a report about women choosing lower paying professions.   Let's see a study about WHY those professions command a lower pay, and WHY women's priorities are different from men's.

  2. Can you substantiate your question please?

  3. The choice of what?  I d**n well expect equal pay for my credentials.  Why shouldn't I get it?

    Women take more sick time than men.

    Nope, not me

    Women CHOOSE lower paying professions

    NOPE not me

    Women want shorter commutes.

    Don't understand why this matters to pay or effort....

    Women work fewer hours per year and take longer periods off work.

    Not me.   But if you get the job done what does it matter how many hours you work.  Doesn't efficiency count????????????

  4. Any woman who values gender equality will be very insulted by 'positive discrimination' for example

    "A company should recruit on talent and that's that" and anything  else is just good old-fashioned sexism.

    As for the wage gap, well most people can very easily see that it isn't about sexism, its about the type of work & hours you put in that counts

    "Women's weekly earnings, including overtime, were lower than men's. This was partly because they worked fewer paid hours per week. ...Although median hourly pay provides a useful comparison between the earnings of men and women, it does not necessarily indicate differences in rates of pay for comparable jobs".

    Not hard to understand, eh? But amazing how feminists like to shout about it, and equally amazing that anybody with any sense listen. Could it be self-interest that clouds people's judgement?

  5. Do they? Is sacrificing yourself to a job AND a family not enough?

  6. Women take more sick time than men.

    Because men do not take their responsibility when it comes to sick children and because in a lot of cases they still work two jobs (the house as well)

    Women CHOOSE lower paying professions

    Professions become lower paid (or rather rise less fast) if women enter it. For instance secretary used to be a man's job and well paid. When women got the jobs the wages stopped rising and they became less valued. It is the other way around therefore

    Women want shorter commutes.

    No they actually bring that into action Men wnat shorter commutes as well Just don't want to have the reality of it.

    My SO would love to live closer to his work and maybe in the future we will. At present we live close to mine. Pure luck as I in the past I had the greater commute. Just the perfect job opened up and it is in town

    Women work fewer hours per year and take longer periods off work.

    See point 1. Often not by choice. Last year I worked more hours than my SO. This year it is the other way around Who knows for next year

    Currently (and I know from experience) a woman still has to be twice as good to be taken half as seriously. I have not gotten jobs I was well qualified for for no other reason than that I was a thread to the manager above He knew that I was better at it than he was and employing me would show that.

    I have finally found a truly equal opportunity employer and I am ever so grateful for that. I am now employed for what and who I am on my strength intelligence and capabilities and given the opportunity to develop to what I want.

  7. do you really belive it is a "choice" to receive minimum wage or not get promoted or get paid less?  what kind of economist or sociologist would agree with that?

    govt stats that look at gender wage gaps look at SAME JOBS - they compare apples to apples NOT apples to oranges like you are doing.

    if you guys are soooo smart about this, why dont' you contact the govt & get them to change???

    you are simply DENIERS.

    there are those that deny the holocaust happened. and now, there are those that deny wage disparity & the other forms of discrimination.

    sorry buddy, these are well documented and have a long history.  

    Answer me this one though....Why do men expect equal custody without equal effort & sacrifice? Women do 5x the childcare DURING a marriage, yet men expect 50-50 custody after divorce

    (for the record, i support 50-50 custody for couples with low or no conflict and i support 5050 child care responsibilities during marriage)

  8. I totally agree. I remember seeing an article somewhere once about a woman who worked part-time so she could be home with her kids the rest of the day. She was whining that she wasn't being taken seriously and that she should get the same promotions as her full-time coworkers. What a crock. I have nothing againt women who want to work part-time to spend more time with their kids, but they shouldn't expect to get the same perks as women who put in more hours and effort.

  9. Feminists expect equal opportunities and equal pay for equal effort and professional sacrifice.

    I picked a male dominated profession and therefore get paid more than the majority of women in other professions-but I'm willing to put up with crud and deal with it. But if more women get into my field-I bet the pay rates will go down-it "just" seems to happen when women are the majority in a profession. Wonder why that is?

    I didn't have kids and since I'm not expected to be the primary caretaker-I don't have issues with sick days for sick kids; I don't need time off to deal with child care issues; and I've often worked 50-60 hours and sometimes 80-90 hours a week. But I also am not a mother or involved with a man who thinks it's my job to have the primary responsibility for our child.

    Once men pick up the slack and actually take 50-50 responsibility for their kids-the workplace won't have excuses for paying women less-it'll be really obvious that sexism is involved-even more than today.

  10. I haven't got a clue honestly. I don't even know now if they fight for equality or dominance. Anyway woman is still discriminated from workplace. It's good t have this movement rather than not. If that is the case it means were in reverse.

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