
Why do feminists hate,despise and wish misery upon those who do not revere their ideology

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Why do feminists hate,despise and wish misery upon those who do not revere their ideology




  1. Why don't you grow up? Stop worrying about feminists and worry about your own life.  

  2. I don't.

    I am quite capable of having, and have had, very reasonable debates and conversations with some 'anti-feminists' here. These tend to be those people who don't have knee-jerk reactions at the word 'feminist' but who actually consider my points.

    However I do indeed despise those people who express very strong anti-woman sentiments e.g. see women as lesser beings, would like to see all women as unpaid house servants or have very strong anti-abortion views. What is not to despise about such prejudiced and judgmental individuals?

  3. Hatred is the fundamental principle for modern Feminism (despite rhetoric to the contrary) therefore it's only consistent with their dogma.

    It's essentially blind (or perhaps not-so-blind) faith in a hateful doctrine.

  4. Because in every group, there are extremists.

  5. Because they can't put up any rational defence of feminism. Criticism of feminism on G&WS is met with insults, shaming, the report button, but in the real world feminists will really try to ruin you in whatever way they can e.g. the treatment that Erin Pizzey and Neil Lyndon experienced.

  6. We don't unless they hate, despise, and wish misery on us. Duh.

  7. What do you think you are going to get from a 'chat' room environment? These people don't care about other peoples opinions; they care about loudly declaring theirs (on both sides.) I am not sticking up for anyone because I am not on either side; I would like to say though, it seems like a lot of people in here act like 6 grade children and need to get over the cooties mentality.

    Because when you get right down to it, we are basically the same. Together we can be better: individually we are a drop; but together we are an ocean.  

  8. Oh who says that, then?

    I know plenty of feminists, none of them fit that description. Mind you, I'm not threatened by the idea of a strong woman - mine's a goddess (and a boxer, LOL) - so I probably don't attract their anger.

  9. They don't.   The first two answers should show you just who takes the low road.   Its not most feminists.


    The first two answers disappeared!  Gee - they don't care to have others see them for what they are.

  10. You don't have to be a "feminists" to hate, ya now!  

  11. I am a feminist, and I don't do that.

  12. This is true, like the n***s despised those who weren't n***s.

    As an equalist, I hate feminism and its hypocrisy and hatemongering.

  13. Part of the problem is that they have a weapon that they can use effectively: they equate hatred, scepticism or even justifiable criticism of feminism (the ideology) with hatred of women.

    I am sure that one is quite capable of having distain for a mode of thought and action, without necessarily hating those who perform such thoughts and actions.

    Feminists assume the right to correct, censure, cajole and sometimes threaten men (often automatically labelling us as misogynists).  Sometimes such criticism is fair and necessary, especially where misogyny exists.  Men cannot criticise feminism, however, without being told, at the very least, to butt out.  Our criticisms are automatically extreme, our comments must be ignored, or better yet, subject to vitriolic PC attacks.

    Sorry, no ideology is beyond reproach, none should have the power to totally dictate what is right or wrong.  Feminism tries to do this, and when we object, we are scorned.  

    I will not stoop to that level, and I will not label all feminists as nutters either.  I expect the same treatment in return, and will stand up and be counted as one who will speak out against ideological excesses and self-indulgence and arrogance.  From men or women.


    Dannuele: You are back and still s**y?  You go girl, your views are always welcome!

  14. All feminists are not like that, just as there are people in any kind of group, religion, etc., who will demean others, and give their cause a bad name, because of differing and/or forced beliefs.  I'm sorry to have to inform you that the world is not perfect.  There is no credibility in judging an entire book on its cover.

  15. Both sides demonstrate the same behavior. I see a few feminist lash out and speak ill of men, and I see a large number of male users do the same in return to the feminist, or to the majority of the female users all together.

    Its funny how WE ALL point fingers and accuse people of doing the same things that we ourselves are guilty of ourselves. Most of the people in here do not respect, give recognition too, or show gratitude for the diversity of opinions in this forum in particular. I've observed a number of users that I can think of off hand that single people out, call other users names, ridicule, and use slander as a way of dealing with other users who's opinions don't fall in line with theirs.

    I'll admit, I've allowed my anger towards things posted to get in the way of my better judgment and I've called people names, made references to a person's sexuality, and made some very controversial comments. Everyone in here is guilty of it! When you point the finger you have three more pointing back at you. So it's something that both sides need to work on and "grow up" from.  

  16. It's called arrogance, and everybody is guilty of it whether they follow a religion, or a different race, or gender. It's human.  

  17. Your talking of such sterotypes...get facts first

  18. Who have you been talking to?  Feminists are simply people who believe in equality when it comes to their social, political and religious lives.  They just want to be treated fairly and equally.  Equal pay for equal jobs, etc.

  19. I have noticed a select few here do is the W. mentality...if you don't support us you are a terrorists (misogynist).

  20. I am not a feminist, I believe in equal rights for both sexes and equal pay. but I don't join the ranks of the hate mongers.

    I believe the real liberator of women was birth control pills. I can't see any way a woman could chose her destiny and be a sexual being as well before modern birth control.

    She had to choose celibacy and give up any semblence of family to pursue a career in most cases. We also didn't live as long so there wasn't the option of raising a family and then later persuing a career.

    What really bothers me now is the current trend that is ok to make a man look like an uncaring, unthinking, pornaholic idiot during prime time family viewing via the common shitecom. I will say I hate to see women stereotyped as the airhead s*x kittens,or perpetual victIms as well.

    The realities are both sexes can be ignorant, abusive, obtuse, and critical and both can be abusers and victims..

    I believe these to be traits of both sexes under the right circumstances... for example here on this very topic, I see more hate and ignorance in a day then is healthy for any one person to ingest in a 24 hour period.

    Another thing that bothers me is the reactions I see here on the topic of domestic violence.. men and women tellling the men to "toughen up cup cake", if they ask if men can be victims of domestic violence.

    Why do people think men have less pain threshold so it is ok to hit a man, or that they have no emotions so it is ok to indulge in emotional abuse as long as you are abusing a man and not an "emotional woman".

    I have this radical idea.... it would be cool if men and women could treat each other like people.

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