
Why do feminists hate men so much?

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If we can ask questions like "why do men hate feminist hate so much?" we can certainly ask this question?




  1. I would say I was a feminists and I dont hate men I just belive that women can do anything a men can do so I dont think all feminists at men that just depends on the person.

  2. Hating men is part of the feminist culture.  So, man haters become feminists because their hate is welcomed,supported, and encouraged.  Male feminists are soft submissives who who have an element of self loathing because of hating the tiny bit of masculinity they have.

  3. Because men can get them pregnant but they can't get men pregnant. It means the feminist has lesser control over things than a man, which they don't like.

  4. Not all feminists hate men, but those that do, are probably insecure with their gender, and they're taking it out on men, or they probably have been treated badly by men in the past.

    Feminism is not a hate movement, its about women's rights, but unfortunately, there are a lot feminists who do hate men, and give feminism a bad name.

  5. because every cause needs an opposition. if you didn't have one, what would be the reason of getting together?

  6. Nice....

  7. My sons are home for the holiday weekend- I told them that you stated since I am a feminist I hate men.  They are surprised.  I seem to love them very much.  Son #2 says he is a feminist as well- does that mean he hates himself?

  8. cause most of them r lesbians

  9. lol dnt ava clue...........??

  10. They're jealous of men's abilities and great accomplishments.

  11. i don't know but without men their cant be woman and without woman their cant be guys so lets just get along

  12. Because most men won't look their way. So, this is their way of getting back at us "horrible" men. Plus, they are mainly L*****n.

  13. they have a p***s!


    no no im joking,

    really, im joking,

    i dunno, I guess you'll have to find a man hating one and ask her...

  14. Please give an example and then it might be a relevant question.

  15. i'm not a feminist, but i reckon it has to do with hard feelings of the unfair way men treated women in the past.

  16. I'm not a feminist but it's very strange that at a question aimed at feminists, nearly all the answers were from non-fems? My answer doesn't count, I'm speculating.

  17. Most feminists do not hate men.  People (including feminists) disagree on the definition of feminist, so there is really no point in making generalizations.

    Some feminists consider themselves separatists and these women believe they are better off living without men, but I don't think all of them hate men.

  18. I think that only some of them hate men, the rest tolerate them.

    The ones who hate men are jealous that their sexual equipment is somewhat lacking in the ability to emphsise the strength of their personality. They do not yet appreciate that our true nature comes from within the body and not from what is necessarily visable and defiant. So they have to replace this lack with an "attitude" called hatred.

    And as for hating hatred of any kind, well if you think that hatred is a stupid attitude to another person or thing, as I do, then it doesn't apply and your question is sufficiently biased here as to need no further reply.

  19. I don't know. :| maybe they've been hurt by men a lot already..but not all guys are like that. most of them are not completely bad, they have good sides too.

  20. maybe they see us men as dangerous

    i can't blame them, everytime i open news, it's men who do most of the killing and abuse, especially to women...

    i feel sorry though, because not all men are what they would describe at...

  21. They are pissed that no man will look at them.

  22. Usually because they were abused as children or screwed over as teens/young adults.

  23. Feminists don't necessarily hate men - they hate the way that women historically have been treated and held back by men. And no, not all feminists are lesbians. If you are a woman who believes that you should have the right to vote, to work, to bear arms, to be president, to be CEO, etc. then you are also a feminist. The definition of feminist is: of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women. The definition of feminism is: the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.

    Being a feminist is not a NEGATIVE thing.

    Try taking a womens studies course to learn a little bit about how women have been oppressed (and still continue to be). You too might be a feminist! And I guarantee, you won't hate men in general - only the ones who don't believe that women should have all the freedoms and rights that men do.

  24. They do?  (reads through old emails to check for malice and hatred)

    Nah, I'd say the Fems don't hate men per se`, they just get annoyed with some of the ridiculous assumptions and lies that are spread by men who hate Feminists and think women are inferior.

  25. If you research the more extremist factions of the feminist movement you will see that 90 percent of them are lesbians and a lot of them hate men because they see us as competition.

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