
Why do feminists hurt Proud Stepford Wife by saying they would look less down on her if she had an education?

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Why do feminists hurt Proud Stepford Wife by saying they would look less down on her if she had an education?




  1. lol im probably much less educated than PSW...i only have a GED to my name..

    i think its because PSW is really sweet. and i guess some ppl think sweet = uneducated.

    and i would just play bongoes on ppls heads if i could. :D

    dayo! daaaaayooo..daylight come and me wanna go home!

  2. Not all feminists would do this. The reason why these women would hurt you probably has little to do with feminism and more to do with their own insecurity, jealousy, and resentment.

  3. I wasn't aware that she didn't have an education.  I'll tutor her if she likes.

  4. Proud Stepford Wife is a really nice person on this forum, I doubt she really cares what these people think of her, If she is happy with her life its more than others can say about themselves

  5. Some people just enjoy being hurtful and, unfortunately, Proud Stepford Wife got in their cross-hairs.

    Best wishes. ♥ ∞

  6. Education is not an opportunity available to all, it is a privilege for the rich.  Many of these feminists have spent years upon years as career students, have been spoon fed opportunity beyond most of our wildest dreams, yet need, for whatever reason, to feel like they are overcoming some sort of oppression and "join the fight."  Middle Eastern women are dealing with some real oppression, but why go there and fight, when you can fight a frivolous battle from the comfort of your own campus.  Minorities in the inner city US are oppressed, but those neighborhoods are "scary" why go help there.  So they see this good wife, whose happy to be who she is but there's been no silver spoon to feed her a doctorate and they look down upon her along with the rest of us unsophisticated folk.

  7. I really couldnt say why they may do so - Im not one.

    And the cats mother - proud stepford wife is an account here on YA, and thats what they call themselves.

  8. Proud Stepford Wife has more of an education than you ever will.....

    She's had an education on life and seems to be doing very well.

    The real classroom is reality.

    The sad part is how many self-proclaimed educated uppity ups will never experience it.

  9. The feminists try to get around that by stating " all men will hurt you, so you need to be prepared", just a shoot off of all men are rapist.

  10. Maybe because they just cannot comprehend that a woman can be happy with her family and religion, and can look about her at those things she has created to feel like a success.  They think that instead a woman needs a career to justify her existence - which is not necessarily true for everyone.

  11. Ive never seen any feminist here look down on her.

    They've often said they don't care how other women live their lives.

    Tell me which feminist said this?

    Because she was probably a radical feminist,and most of the feminists here are ok.

  12. I'm pretty sure no one has said that to her.

    If I'm wrong, prove it.

    Why do you insist on stirring up S**t? Was band camp extra boring today?

    And from what I could tell, it was some anti-feminist jerk that kept picking on her earlier today, calling her a member of the KKK.

    EDIT-Oh right, it was that guy Bert up there. I guess he doesn't like her b/c she's Christian.

  13. Ok, three points here:

    1. They'll look LESS down on her? This is a fallacious observation. It places them in control of measuring one's self worth which is both ludicrous and pathetically passive aggressive.

    2. Feminists' stated and declared goal is to remove women from the home (a central nexus of loving, caring, nurturing relationships) and place them in the workforce (focus points of power). Since an education is vital for this goal, it naturally is assumed by these feminists that PSW is not towing their ideological line.

    3. These feminists should be ignored and avoided. Feminism destroys women's influence, their power base, and their regard in society. And the word is spreading. The National Organization of Women (NOW) once boasted millions of members. Today, it barely clears two hundred thousand. Daughters are not following their mothers down Feminism's crooked and unlevel path. Rather, they're increasingly exploring their natural femininity and learning how to build relationships the provide them with a steady stream of love, warmth, and affection.

    The Feminists offer very little to women these days. The movement will soon be an inoffensive fringe that other women wisely ignore.

  14. Feminazis (not to be confused with feminists here) want every women to be like them. It's like if I said, 'Blokes we are going to wear thongs from now on if you don't then your not as good as me'. What one person wants isn't what everyone wants and both feminists and feminazis need to understand this.

  15. i don't know how the feminists' edu would help the world much compared to Stepford Wife's contributions as she made it for real through a good performance in maintaining the marriage as a responsible, tough,intelligent wife and mother while having the real confidence at the same time. but it's never too late for Stepford to gain more education. even reading up a good book (not novels!) every single days would do. yeah, she's cool.

  16. The fact that you describe yourself or someone else as

    a 'proud stepford wife' means to me this is not a real

    question but an attempt to get things stirred up. I can't imagine any woman who is working in the home as not having an education. Ah yes I see you have another taunting

    question posted to 'annoy' feminists'. Aren't you a litte scamp? Go away little boy you boring.

  17. i wudent look down on any 1 for not having an education.... lots of ppl ive seen with colege degrees r some of the dumbest ppl i ever saw...  for all there book lerning they dont have any comon sence...

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