
Why do feminists keep speaking of equal RIGHTS, when feminism has been about?

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equal outcome for at least the past 40 years, maybe more. When was the last time women were denied equal rights as men, except for the right to sign up for combat missions and that is limited only to America and some other countries.




  1. I agree with Diksha - efforts should be made to reach out to those in countries where women have no rights at all.

  2. Women do not have equality in all countries.  I know that's not what you are speaking about, but there are still nations where women are denied basic HUMAN rights.

  3. I agree with you.  I don't know what all the fuss is about, things were straightened out a long time ago.  A woman can pretty much do whatever she wants.  As for other countries, I can't comment on that b/c this is where I am and there's not much I can do about other countries.

  4. Women are often paid substantially less than men to do the same job in the professional world.

  5. Right to equal pay...was passed in 1994. The case was basically a female miner was being pay a whole lot less then the men she worked next to.

    But...feminism has been about special rights or equal rights for the last 40 years...

  6. simple equal rights=means equal responsibility.

    Equal outcome= parasites living off of society.

       Equal rights means people should get what they earn.

    Reap what you sow kind of thing.

    Equal outcome means people or one particular group should get the same as another group irregardless of how little they work.

         Kind of like planting only half or quarter of a field than stealing from your neighbor to make up the difference.

         All feminists are,are QQ'ers. Kind of like an online game.

           There is always one or two obviously over powered class's. In order to avoid the Nerf bat they complain and cry till the forums are flooded demanding "buffs" because there "class" is really underpowered. After awhile they believe there own BS. Hence the term the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

        So people who complain of any false unfairness are beyond ignorant and hate-full but most likely guilty of treason for attempting to disenfranchise other citizens.

         So feminism in short= too lazy to earn your own keep.


    Ok the women dont get paid same amount for same job lie spreaders need to grow up. Who is going to get paid more.. Person A who goes to work every day and works overtime when ever it is available or person B who frequently takes off more and doesnt work extra hours?

    P.S because of cry baby lazy feminists men are being short changed and discriminated against by companies try to appeas the feminist monsters.

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