
Why do feminists make it so complicated?

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Since they are supposedly for equality, why don't they just say "we want equality with men, so treat us exactly like men" and leave it at that?

That would only apply to feminists since other women don't want to be treated like a man.




  1. "Equal" doesn't mean "identical".  Treating women exactly like men would create its own problems.  Who would get pregnant?

  2. I'm not sure...I think because it isn't that easy..not all men are like " Okay sure :)...whatever you want"

    They think women are just for cooking and making babies so..

    Feminists are so..agressive because they have a goal thats out of there reach.

    And I def. dont want to be treated like a man ... but I don't want to be treated like what you perceive a women should be treated like either.

    But if being treated like a man, is getting the respect you deserve for accomplisments, and equal pay and rights..then yah I want to be treated like a man.

  3. You make a good point.  Feminists use the word equality for political reasons then make up all kinds of excuses why equality shouldn't be applied when they don't want it.

  4. Because feminists don't want to be treated like men. They want to be treated like human beings.

    You appear to be having a hard time grasping this.

  5. What's so difficult to understand?  Men and women have different attributes, but both are worthy of equal rights and respect....until an individual screws it up for him- or herself.

  6. I guess I'm one of the few who does.

    I can do what a man can, I work as hard as a man and I expect to be held to the standards of men, I also want people to stop trying to force me to act like a "lady" (++pukes++), I don't want to be looked at funny for not wearing prissy stuff, I think going to work and running my business every day earns me the right to wear something just because I want to and it's comfortable and NOT because it looks nice!

  7. We prefer "treat us exactly like people."

  8. Their have their own version of equality which is really special consideration that men don't get.  Otherwise, they wouldn't talk in circles like they keep doing.

  9. Feminists want to be accepted socially as equal to men in brain power, not be treated as men, but because men are generically insecure and arrogant, it has been and will be a struggle for women to achieve acceptance of their equal intelligence and leadership abilities. Men need to have someone weaker then themselves to boost their egos and justify their role in society. They are not willing to share this role and will do and say just about anything to discredit a female opponent. As with the minority social struggles, so goes the female struggles and until society as a whole accepts total equality, which will never happen as i see it, this struggle will continue on.

  10. I've never asked to be treated any differently, why do you presume being treated like man is a bad thing?  :-)

  11. the thing is that many of the "leading" feminist writers and thinkers have been people with mental and emotional problems, gws classes have legitimised their theories and many of the gws students minds and perceptions on life, entitlement and men have been damaged by reading their hysterical ranting.


  12. what on earth are you going on about?

    why don't you just treat everyone courteously? most people seem to manage it.

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