
Why do fish die when they're exposed to air even though they get the oxygen they need from the water?

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Why do fish die when they're exposed to air even though they get the oxygen they need from the water?




  1. actually, fish do live quite a bunch of minutes after they are taken out of the water.  the gills can process oxygen from the air but the problem is that they dry out without water.  that's when the fish slowly suffocates.

  2. because their bodies cannout take the other chemicals in the air and cannot process them

  3. another problem is fish need a constant supply of water do dilute the nitrogenous wastes (amonia) which is highly toxic and must be removed from there bodys imediatly.   just to let u no the lung fish can survive months out of the water

  4. because there is more to air than oxygen... like maybe the fish can't deal with carbon dioxide

  5. Because they have gills and not lungs like you and me and me and you. gills need the function of water to facilitate the bubbles in the regiem of tranquility of the truncated vacinity of the fish.

  6. Their gills are designed to pull oxygen from water passing over them.

    Air just dries the gills making the surface of the gills practically impenetrable to oxygen.

  7. For the same reason people die when exposed to water, even though the Oxygen is there too.

  8. Why cant we breath in space why ask why.

  9. fish have gills to extract the oxygen from the water nd bring it to their lungs when you take them out of the water the gills can't extract the oxygen because that isn't how their designed therefore the fish die

  10. I think it's because they get their oxygen from water not from the air.

  11. Fish have gills but not lungs,like we have, they can't be exposed to the air. Just like us, we can't breathe in water.

  12. because air is composed of generally 2 other things aside from oxygen: carbon dioxide and nitrogen. while we can handle inhaling these, fish can't.

  13. that is a stupid . lol ;) fish have adapted to an environment of water and their gills and everything based on  the way they aquire oxygen through using A MEDIUM OF WATER

  14. because the oxygen has different properties when disolved in water, they can get too much oxygen when in air, just like you cant survive in a world of only air, you need water and other minerals and neutriants

  15. there's plenty of oxygen in the water, but I die when I try breathe water.

  16. because they're guills are made for getting air out of water

    its like putting a human under water

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