
Why do folks attitudes about life seem to go downhill when the forecasts calls for rain all day?

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Why do folks attitudes about life seem to go downhill when the forecasts calls for rain all day?




  1. The reason why most people look blue in the face when it rains is because it kills their plans for the day. It really saddens their spirits almost like a balloon which losts its air. A rainny day is just like any other day - a special gift.  Ask people ,..."How they are when it's raining?" They say " wish the rain would stop". Didn't ask about the rain,....but if they'd ask me,...would always say "Absolutely Wonderful!"

  2. After studies have been done based on weather induced depression, it has been proven that sunlight or lack thereof actually alters the production of chemicals in body like serotonin and melatonin.

    These chemicals are manufactured by the body when you are out in the sunshine... and it leads to stimulation of the brain.  

    Sunshine also provides vitamin D, which strenghtens our muscles and bones and improves the body's fuctionality.  

    Without sunshine, the body's clock can misidentify seasonal changes or night/daytimes and in turn produce chemically induced depressions.

  3. England has a lot of rainy days and depression and suicides are higher in areas such as those.  Sunlight and mild temperatures seem to have the opposite effect.  Personally I love to hear the rain fall.   People may feel bad if their picnic or baseball game gets rained out.

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