
Why do football coaches not give any days of rest during h**l week?

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I always thought that you were supposed to rest a day or two after working out a group of muscles to get stronger and see muscle growth. So why do football coaches make you work out every muscle group every single day?




  1. because its h**l week. its like conditioning

  2. He's also trying to figure out which players are really serious about playing football.  He doesn't need a bunch of quitters on the field.  He's teaching you to be a  disciplined player.

  3. Its "h**l week" not "pamper your wimpy players" week

    You need it to get into playing shape.

  4. The coaches do that to condition their new players.  Its a way to get them used to the system and boost their endurance.  Nothing is worse than having a bunch of players on a team that never know their full potential because they were never pushed beyond their limits.  

  5. More so than conditioning... it is also psychological. The same thing the military does in its training. The point is to push the player farther than they thought they could go. Or even to break them down to show that they are not all that. Once a player has been pushed they gain new confidence in their abilities. The only way to fail is to quit and then you realize what type of player your dealing with.

  6. 'cause then it wouldn't be "h**l"...  :)

    The intense week of strenuous conditioning is about getting players into the right mindset as much as it is about the physical workout - get the brain into helpful habits as well as the body.

    And, it's a short period of time.  The lack of muscle repair time isn't an issue in that case.

  7. h**l week is Strictly for Conditioning.

  8. it's h**l week mang mine starts sunday everyday rigorous workout it's painful but it's one of the pains that you love it's like it feels horrible but the pain is a good pain from using so many muscles.  besides my first game is 2 weeks after h**l week so we have h**l week then double sessions then the practice we have the day before the game is gona be a light practice.  besides this is the thing first few practices are just 2 a week but then u train for a week with the weight of the gear and everything to bulk up your body and train you big time.  and thanks to all the above post cus i kinda wondered why this was like this.

  9. Conditioning sucks...

  10. Coaches do it to get their players conditioned physcially and mentally for the upcoming season.  From high school varisty, college, and even the NFL.  They will have a stretch before the season of 2 a day practices for this purpose.

    You are correct about resting a group of muscles.  However that deals with a intense workout such as lifting.  For another you are dealing with atlhetes, and not a generalization for the public.    

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