
Why do foreigners do this?

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Why do people from other countries come onto the US Olympics Y!A forum to curse, whine and bash Americans and their athletes?

If they hate us so much shouldn't they be in their own country's Y!A?

Just a thought.




  1. We do the same thing to them too. It's just competitive nature.

  2. the Olympics gives them a chance to spew hate for the U.S. that have had for a long time.

  3. Uh lol. I think it's the other way around. But yeah. There's been a lot of c**p coming from both sides. If you don't like it. Then just ignore it.

  4. Stop instigating.

    All this is going to lead to is ignorant people bashing the US and other countries.

  5. I'm Chinese-Canadian and I live in America. But it's not so much fun in the Canadian Y!A. Anywayy, there's more offended and therefore amusing people here.

  6. you got it all wrrong

    eveyone in the US is practically bashing China


  7. They're jealous, plain jealous. Would they immigrate here if they could? In a New York second. Even the worlds worst terrorist are all US educated if not US citizens.  

  8. bashing other countries only makes yourself look bad

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