
Why do foreigners still think China is an evil country even though China has changed a lot of the past 20 ?

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  1. Because the West has always had a screwed up view of China. They certainly have changed a lot over the past decades, but remember, people prefer to remember the bad things than the good things. I think the whole thing should be accounted by the evil of the media instead. They only say what people want to hear, and not the truth. This world is a real world; as long as they earn money, they don't give a d**n about destroying another country's reputation. sickening.

  2. Because China does not permit dissent by its citizens.

  3. Many reasons:

    - According to Psychiatrist, majority of the people dislike changing - including mind change - will make them feeling insecure.

    - a lot of media such as CNN, loves to report ONLY the bad things about other countries. Even the good things will be reported in a bad way. So, a lot of people influence by that.

    - a lot of frogs still living in the well . Do you know that there was someone asked 2 students (a chinese and a malaysian)  - in the Uni , in NZ, this : " when did you came to NZ ? " , the students said "2 mths ago". She then asked "how come you can write english so well ?! How could you learn english in 2 mths ?!". She thought the 2 students were cheating in the exam bcos both of them scored 98 over 100 on an assingment. (This is a true story!). What can i say.......

    A friend of mine, home-stayed in a western country's family (during her uni). She said, the family point to her a 'new' VCD player and said "this is latest model of VCD !".  My friend told me, they were using this model 3 yrs ago in China.

    I really don't mind anyone being "innocent". But i really can't stand people, who don't know much, YET, judging others.

    A lot of people haven't been to oversea. Ask them, how many countries have they travelled and stayed ??

    Those who like to criticise, are always from the well (and still in the well).

  4. Mainly because the ones that don't like what is going on are the most noisily ones then it comes to protesting.

    Surprising the media works both ways, then I last visited England in March I took a taxi from my home train station to my parents house.

    Then I mention I just got back from China the driver started a conversion about a program China on the BBC he had watch and how it was becoming a superpower and how things where getting better etc. Not once did he mention the negative things. I got the impression that whatever he saw was mostly about the modern cities and not the rural areas of China. He seem a little surprised about that then I told them that the people do not vote for there President.

    It kinda reminds me what was said one of CCTV-9 dialogue program, the average Chinese person knows more about the USA than the average American knows about China. However the same person then added that the American experts on China know a lot more what the Chinese experts on the USA know.

    This can be down that USA culture is more ingrate around the world and hence more is known about it, Chinese culture however long it is, is not ingrated around the world as much,

    Mind you there are some places in the world that still think that the USA is the great Satan.

  5. China is not evil and China has made a lot of changes in 20 years.  I do feel there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor, poverty is still very high, unemployment is bad, pollution needs to be curbed, but China will come around soon and get things under control.

  6. That's right , China has changed in past 20 years . But, it's not yet a free country .

  7. Their stance on Human rights is still abominal and Tiannamen square of 1989 is still an horrific time

  8. China has changed a lot.

    But its not enough.thats all..

  9. It's partly due to a bias against communism since the west is mostly influenced by democracy. Propaganda has brainwashed too many minds into thinking that all countries who have any resemblence to the old communist country of Russia is evil. You see, the US and Russia used to be enemies/rivals and the bitterness has not yet subsided. Any slip up by the Chinese government or anything the media can extort about the Chinese has been blown up in the main media outlets. It's a mentality passed down from the US from the Cold War, to the Vietnam War, and to modern day.

  10. They are mostly idiots who still think its the cold war.

  11. because they are anti-Chinese government, therefore many foreigners make statement/conduct action against China and the Chinese people to make a point.

    for anyone who mentions Tiananmen Square in 89, in America, students get killed too, google Kent State 1970

  12. It's the western media

  13. Because foreigners believe in their "stupid" medias who are "free" to make sensationalism, NOT news.

  14. Because the Chinese government tries to control its people in small aspects of their lives, which is inappropriate IMO. I don't think the country of China is "evil," I just think it needs more freedom. I also think the USA has some big problems as well. No country is perfect...

  15. It's the superiority complex of many western people (though not all of them).  When things get into their way, they'll think that it's the Asian's problem.

    I have ever came across one Chief Bla Bla Bla of a GBR based company in Asia.  When he couldn't get his instruction through to the workers due to some local safety requirements restriction..... He simply said these across the site meeting: "You are a sissy!  You guys are typical Asians!  We don't have such problem back in our country?"

    Many Western people always thinks that they're right.  So they also go around the world to "teach' people how to manage their own country.  When they realise they can't influence them anymore... They'll try to separate it or break it into smaller pieces, make the Asian fight among themselve so that they could earn a living from it.

    Look at the present India region. GBR has successfully separated eas and west part of India into East and West Pakistan... With Pakistan (East) still trying to get Kasmir under their control. But luckily India and Baglahdesh (West) begins to realize the western's evil plot.

  16. The blind leading the blind - the western media only hear what western people have to say about China and everyone thinks therefore its the same.  Amensty get their sources from western media who get it from Amnesty etc etc... - its a circular argument.

    As for 1989 - it was atrocious, but one does not judge the current government and different leaders to the government and leaders from almost 20 years ago.  Get your head out of the 80s fluro colour and into today.

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