
Why do fried pork chops and mashed potatoes and gravey go so good together?

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  1. Because the fried pork chops are simply delicious.

  2. That's easy.

    Mashed potatoes are so dry, so the gravy makes them go down easier.

    Pork just adds meat. We all need meat in a good meal.

  3. the same reason why man and woman go so good together

  4. It's comfort food.  It makes us think of when we were kids, and mom or grandma made it for us.  

  5. The world may never know

  6. i guess for the same reason steak, shrimp & broccoli go well together

  7. comfort food. just like meatloaf with potatoes, fried chicken, mac n cheese. their all great  

  8. meat and potatoes always go good together. choose any meat and fix your potatoes any way you want and they taste great together

  9. Always have - always will.  I like mashed potatoes and gravy with breaded pork chops, too.  Has been a favorite of mine for years - along with apple sauce, too.  

    With fried pork chops, without breading, you can dip the gravy over your pork chops and your mashed potatoes.  

    The taste perfectly sets each other off.  Don't know why - just that I like it.


  10. They are all classic comfort foods.

  11. Because I do not think anything is better then eating slow-cooked pork products under beautiful southern sky... And the potatos are just a bonus!

  12. Grease, fat and starch were once a triune spirit that roamed about seeking whom they may devour.

    As legend has it,

    A man named Cook trapped this spirit unwittingly in a frying pan during a burnt offering. The triune spirit separated out and dripped to earth as three distinct tastes and inhabiting the pallets of every human past the age of innocence.  

  13. First off, it's gravy. But I'd bet a classic comfort food...

  14. Why are your arteries hardening by the second?

  15. Ask a german. Its the combination of the tender fried shop and the smooth mashed potatoes and the salty gravey. Now your making me hungry.  

  16. LOL...they just do.  But depending on where you were raised - it may not sound so good.  Add some fried okra and cornbread...Yum!

  17. they have diffrent texture

  18. It is the pork...fried pork goes with everything...

  19. it's one of the worlds mysteries , I love em too .

  20. Fried pork chops are my absolute favorite, but we always had collard green and rice with ours.  

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