
Why do gangs drive around in the same vehicle?

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There is a local gang in my neighborhood and they drive around in these black vehicles. Most of the time gangs drive around in these weird jeeps. In addition, more than one person drives the jeep. There have been times when I have seen ten different people driving the same exact vehicle. Why do gangs always drive around in the same vehicle? Back when Durant Williams was killed in Colorado the person that drove the white SUV that sneaked behind him and killing him was not even own by the person driving the vehicle. The vehicle was eventually found stranded alongside the road and painted blue. Than it was revealed that the vehicle was not own by him but was actually owned by the leader of this Cripps gang. In addition, this so call leader was actually in prison on a conspiracy to commit murder on a state witness. So will someone please tell me why do gangs drive around in the same vehicle?




  1. Because they are basking in each others bodily smells.

  2. It is most probably since they only have one car, or one car that works well enough, or their best looking car?

    Or maybe all of the members have Prius's except for the one guy whose car they keep taking, cause Prius's arent "gang like" cars.

  3. Maybe they carpool to help prevent global warming!

    but seriously, they use the same car to probably show brotherhood between members.


  5. lol may be it's their only car. gangs in jeeps sound pretty funny unless you live in the mountains.

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