
Why do garbage men make alot of money

by  |  earlier

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I hear they make A LOT.

Is it because its risky? Dirty? Why?




  1. They don't make a lot of money. You've been misinformed.

  2. Because, would YOU want to do what they do? Not many people would want to pick up other people's garbage every day, being stinky and it is pretty hard work.

  3. If they work for the city they make more but that's primary because its a unsanitary job and many risk and diseases that can be caught fro it. Not everyone wants to do that.

  4. because its very dirty and no one wants to pick peoples trash up. so they say ok no one wants to do it and its really stinky and you work your butt off going to pick up trash alot most of the day.

    its not really risky its just alot of work and they have to hang on to dear life holding the garbage truck handles.

    they made up to 15 an hour. who cares if they pick up trash hey atleast they are making money. i dont give a f what they say about me. i work there and 3 other jobs. i can afford alot more then what other people can make.

  5. the real reason in most cases is actually because the mafia owns things like that they also own buliding company's in new york they own the landfills and company's so they can dump bodies in there if you don't believe me research it

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